Saturday, February 14, 2009

Nerd love

How I know I married the right guy (lifted from a conversation on Wednesday night as we watch the DVR playback of Leverage):

Him: Hey, that's Brent Spiner.

Me: Yeah, that totally is.

Time passes.

Him: Who's that lady? She looks familiar.

Me: (Squinting) Uh, I think it's Lauren Holly. She's had a lot of work done.

Him: Who?

Me: The redhead from Dumb and Dumber?

Him: Oh, yeah. That is her.

Me: I'm going to check IMDB, just to make sure. (I check). Yeah, that's her all right. Oh, and guess who directed this episode?

Him: Who did?

Me: Jonathan Frakes.

Him: Cool.

Me: (Can't believe my luck in marrying someone so cool, so I test it) You know who Jonathan Frakes is?

Him: (Surprised) Yeah, Riker, of course.

Me: I love you. Can I have more of your babies?

Him: You're the coolest girl ever.


LisAway said...

This is exactly us! Well, not really because we NEVER know the names of anyone that isn't fairly famous, but we're always trying to remember what movie we saw someone in and have races to see who remembers first etc. And of course we often end up on the IMDB.

We don't always say that romantic stuff at the end, though.

Annette Lyon said...

Yay for nerds!

(Which makes me one, because I totally could follow--of COURSE I know who Brent Spiner and Jonathan Frakes are.)

LisAway said...

I sort of realized after I wrote my first comment that your whole point was that you guys know names and we totally don't so really it's not that much the same. Except that besides that it's totally the same.

Erin said...

I'm pretty sure I'm a nerd, but I don't know either of those guys. I'd better look them up right now, so I can kick my nerdiness up a notch. (...and by saying that I kicked it up even another notch.)

Kristina P. said...

I totally used to be a Star Trek: Next Generation nerd.

Can't wait for the new movie!

Alison Wonderland said...

Love this stuff. Yay for Leverage.

Alison Wonderland said...

And Lisa, it's not about knowing the names, it's about knowing the same names.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I so feel you on this one. Our nerdness is the only thing that's kept Neil and I together all these years - I'm certain of it.

Anonymous said...

And then you have to go read my post and change your mind about the babies. Sorry for that. I'll *try* not to talk so much about NSTs and high blood pressure 'n' all that. (Although my odds of succeeding at not talking about it are slim. 'Cause I'm too much of a nerd. But not the right kind of nerd to know who these people you're talking about are.)

That Girl said...

And that right there is why marriage rocks.

Karen Mello Burton said...

True nerd love! This was a great post because in so little words, and in an indirect way, you introduced yourself and your hubby to us. Very nice. Live long and prosper.

Unknown said...

Queen Nerd, here. Knew immediately that you were talking about Data and Commander Hottie. Frankly, that was the only true Star Trek series. Even the Shatner years don't compare.

And of all the things Lauren Holly has been in, I will always associate her with Dumb and Dumber first.

So, evidently, you could have married me, too.

Jessica G. said...

Geeks make the best husbands.

Debbie said...

Oh, you guys are so cute! I won't even tell you how nerdy we are over here:)

Alyssa Goodnight said...

Really? That's how your conversations go? Awesome!

I'm not sure I'd ever say, 'Can I have more of your babies?' though.

Jami said...

This makes me smile. Go nerds!

earlfam said...

We were totally into TNG when we were dating. And then after we were married and it was in syndication we spent like two years getting every episode on tape. We could probably buy them now on DVD but those tapes were a joint project that represent our mutual nerdyness.

Tom said...

You had me at Brent Spiner. I think IMDB is the greatest website/resource of all time.

Heidi said...

We do this exact thing too. It's almost as if the fun of watching TV (and movies) is identifying the actors. I'm usually the one who runs to the computer to check out IMDB when I can't quite grasp the name. (Jonathan Frakes has been doing a lot of directing lately--we're trekkers)

Dedee said...

Luvs me some Trek.

Was this the same day as the chocolate covered cinnamon teddy bears episode?

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

my husband and i are total nerds...and we love it!

Anonymous said...

And for the soap fans out there (married to the star trek geeks)... Mr. Frakes is married to Genie Francis (Laura of Luke & Laura on General Hospital)!...