Monday, July 6, 2009


True facts that just ought to be written down somewhere.

1. Sweet and salty is better than just sweet or just salty. It is.
2. Babies may not be reverent in Sacrament Meeting but old people are super loud in Relief Society.
3. Turns out if I eat more calories than I can burn, I will have a permanent grudge against my scale.
4. Hydrangeas make me really happy.
5. The hours I wasted watching soap operas as a teenager are hours I can never get back. I know this. And I still watch Next Top Model marathons on cable.
6. Sometimes I don't feel like having my mind improved. At those times, I play too much Scramble online.
7. I'm crazy about my husband and kids.
8. I am NOT long-suffering. The very notion seems. . . idiotic. This suggests to me that I may also be struggling with humility.
9. Very little in this world makes me as happy as garlic on just about anything. Especially when combined with butter. And cream. But maybe not oatmeal. Let's not be too literal here.
10. I understand that it's very fashionable to disdain Facebook. I really like it.

That is all.


Luisa Perkins said...

You write truth. Awesome.

Stephanie said...

All excellent points. #8 particularly speaks to me.

InkMom said...

Hydrangeas make me very happy, too. I had them in my wedding bouquet.

Every year, about this time, I hit all the hydrangea high spots in my town: I drive around and just get an eyeful of other people's yards, especially those with soil with just the right chemical composition to get those incredible intense deep blue-purples or magentas. I love them. It's that simple.

This year, my hydrangea bush has disappointed me yet again. I covered it with a flannel sheet no less than two times this year when we were threatened with a late frost, all to no avail. I still ended up with nary a blossom. Sigh. There's always next year, I guess. And then we'll sell our house and I'll leave the amazing non-producing hydrangea to the new owners, and start over again at our new place.

I have to quit now because I think my comment is longer than your post. Sorry.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love the babies/old people comment. In my ward the sweet old ladies sit in the back and act as sentinels, never saying much. I love 'em!

And how about an experiment with sweet, salty, and garlicky? mmmmmmm

Kristina P. said...

It's fashionable to disdain Facebook?!? I am so ahead of the trends! To be honest, it frightens me.

Annette Lyon said...

Garlic. Is Good.

Aubrey said...

Sweet, salty and garlicky is awesome! Target used to make these Smokehouse peanuts that were all of the above, and I ate them like mad. I keep telling myself that it's probably a good thing that they don't make them anymore. :(

And I was someone who annoyed with the basic premise of Facebook, but I must admit, it's definitely growing on me.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You're so cute. Nearly all of these ring the ole bell with me. Especially the garlic one. Mmmm....

Emily said...

Those ought to be written down! I completely agree! I would add one thing though . . . baby's breath smells sweet, and old people's breath smells like a word I can't even conjure up because is there an adjective to describe old lady breath?

Anonymous said...

Awww...I was hoping for some facts on what's going on with your book.

But the truth about garlic must be said. It is an important truth.

Amber Lynae said...

Garlic is its own food group, at least in my cook book. And Sweet and salting is my heaven. I don't go to relief society but i do know many times when they are shh'ing in primary it is the adult leaders who are doing a lot of the talking. hydrangeas are a happy flower. I like facebook.

Thank you for sharing your truths.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure I started the Facebook bashing trend. I'm also the reason people now pierce their dogs' ears. I'm influential that way.

You had me at garlic...

Debbie said...

I want to like Facebook and twitter. I'm so trying. Popular or not, I want to be like everyone else!

April said...

#2 cracked me up!!! LOL!!!

wendy said...

sweet and salty is great!! I LOVE love, salt and vinegar potatoe chips. I love potatoe chips dipped in chocolate. I love garlic. I love old people (since I am fast approaching that distinguished time) and I intend to be VERY LOUD , cause you can do that when you are old.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I love lists and this one is quirky and fun. People my age, fast approaching the "talk loud" age, don't understand the mystique of Facebook. It's a bunch of Whatchadoin', eatin'asandwich, goingtobed, etc. I'm probably wrong. Party on.

Erin said...

I love Next Top Model marathons!

And I think playing Scrabble online actually does advance your intellect. You are working out the odds in your head of what you might roll. See? Statistics.

charrette said...

#2, 4, 6, 8 made my day. (Especially the part about the hydrangeas.)
#9 is pure truth.

I hope someday I will like MyFace and Spacebook. But until then, I am completely baffled by #10.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...


yea... I have a love hate relationship with Facebook

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Okay, first I didn't know it was fashionable to dislike Facebook, but I'm happy I'm in fashion for once. I don't dislike it necessarily, but I don't love it. And sometimes I find it a little annoying. Especially when my friends write things on my wall which embarrass me, like HEY HERMIT, why don't you ever come out and play?

The garlic and butter are especially good sautee'd with onions and mushrooms.

I SO HOPE you can MAKE IT to the OLIVE GARDEN this weekend so we can all scream when we see you and then get your autograph!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Hey, I love your new button. I'm putting it on my blog right now.

Heather of the EO said...

I watched Days of Our Lives all throughout all my younger years. Oi. And I love me an America's Next Top Model marathon too. What does this say about us? :)

Dedee said...

#9 is the ultimate truth, is it not?