Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stay tuned. . .

I want to blog. I really do. But nursing makes it hard.

And it's kind of nice not worrying about keeping to a schedule.

Except for a nursing schedule. 

The nursing is . . . interesting. I'm hanging in there.

I really do intend to post a bunch of new baby pictures but I don't know how to upload them and so I have to wait for my husband to do it. And I don't really want to nag him about it since he's also working a full day, cooking dinner, helping with feedings, taking the kids to the park to give me a break, doing the dishes, baking bread and putting the boys to bed. That was just today.

And that's totally not an exaggeration. Because he's the best.

I gotta work on my side of the equally yoked thing.

In the mean time, I'm going to take a deep breath and wade back into the nursing fray again. 



LisAway said...

I know, nursing makes it difficult to do a lot, even when it's going well. For the first two months Spencer nursed for about 45 minutes each feeding and went only 2 hours between feedings from start to start. It made cooking, and especially baking difficult. Go Kenny! So awesome that you have that kind of support. A husband can really make or break the post partum period! You keep whatever schedule you need to and read whatever you write whenever you write it. Because we like you a lot. :)

Susan said...

I always loved nursing because for once I wasn't feeling guilty if I sat down. I actually had a reason to kick up my feet and turn on the t.v. Thank goodness for husbands who pick up the slack when we can't keep our eyes open because I don't know about you, but nursing knocks me out.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I had to really learn how to relax and put my feet up and block everything out when I was nursing. It affected how successfully it went too.

Sounds like you have a great husband!

Happy Mom said...

Nursing can be so all consuming, which is both a blessing and a curse!

I love that you have an oriental comment!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Yes, nursing was always such a lovely excuse to sit and put my feet up. Hang in. We'll wait.

Heather of the EO said...

Oh lady, I hear you. Even when it's something we love to do, it's still just plain hard. I used to tell Ryan that it felt like it was all I ever did. Because the whole process is soooo time-consuming at first.

Thinking of you lots,

Wonder Woman said...

I was just thinking about you yesterday, wondering how the nursing was going. Good for you for hanging in there. But NO GUILT if it's just too hard.

And as far as equally, you MADE A HUMAN. Maybe he's the one trying to catch up!

becca said...

Totally get it. But I miss you anyway. So I'll stay tuned.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm so glad you have Kenny. Must make it easier to cling to your sanity, which is a difficult endeavor when nursing.

Carolyn V. said...

Wow Melanie, what an awesome hubby!

Nursing does take a lot of time. I used to sit in my chair and just let life take a break until I was done. It was hard sometimes, but well worth the bonding time I got with my babies. =)

Unknown said...

That 'equally yoked' metaphor isn't always an adequate one for most relationships. Oxen have no choice; they both pull evenly at the same time or neither one gets very far.

But with marriages, it isn't uncommon for one to occasionally carry the other. And that's just fine. Not to mention the fact that you just had a baby, and no matter what Pearl Buck had to say on the subject, it takes a long time to get yourself back into that rice paddy.

I never understood women whose udders were just gushing milk and their babies came out of the womb already latched on (which was some trick) and the nursing just happened as easy as...well, certainly not pie. Pie's hard. Whatever the case, that was TOTALLY not me. Everything else can wait; gotta get that nursing thing down!!


(Oh my gosh, the WV is "milkyboob"! Ha, just kidding...)

Erin said...

Oh, I will be experiencing this very soon. Good luck keeping afloat!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Kenny rocks.

And way to go on the nursing thing. I was never able to with my dudes but the pumping thing was exhausting on its own.

peewee said...

HEY! Thanks for walking w/me :) SO fun meeting u!

NIKOL said...

I was going to ask you about how nursing was going last night at dinner (so great meeting you!!), but then I thought I'd already used the phrase "snot mustache" at the table, and figured people had suffered enough with my slightly less-than-ideal dinnertime conversation topics. Glad things are going well. I had a really hard time nursing both my oldest and youngest babies, so I totally sympathize with your struggles. For something that seems should be so natural and easy, it sure takes a lot of work and practice sometimes.

Glad The Hubs is doing so much to help out!

wendy said...

Hang in there if you can with the nursing. I didn't nurse my first mom thought it was gross. Then on my 3rd kid, my best friend PLEADED with me to try. and I loved it. Nursed her and the next 2 for 10 months, I was lucky, had no problems.
I am thinking I would have made a great pioneer....except for the whole No washer and dryer thing.

can't wait for the baby photos

Emily said...

Remember how you grew a baby in your belly, gained weight that was not your own, and pushed a baby through a hole that was probably not big enough?


I think you're pulling your weight. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've got a real keeper there. Don't let him go. As for the equally yoked thing, I bet it's more even than you give yourself credit for. Don't sell yourself short!

Nishant said...

You keep whatever schedule you need to and read whatever you write whenever you write it. Because we like you a lot. :
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