Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Stuff and nonsense (What's new?)

I had every intention of writing something fresh and clever here today. Then I was like, "Screw it. I'm going to be serious." Then I was like, "Wait, no. I already did that Sunday which pretty much means I met my quota for the month."

So I settled on random.

But settling is such an ugly word. It's more like I'm embracing it, that's what.

First up, my absolute new favorite blog right now. It's a cross between the Far Side and the Pottery Barn catalog. There is no other way to explain Catalog Living. It's a pretty new blog so you can read through the archives in minutes. Trust me, you'll thank me. Tell Gary and Elaine I said hi and thanks for the game of Wood Fish. The knot on my head is almost gone.

Third (because second wouldn't be random now, would it?), I recently heard someone I know describe herself as "unintentionally romanticizing everything." That's just therapy-speak for being a drama queen, right?

I scored a Sony point and shoot digital camera for $20. It's used. But did you read the part about $20? Suh-weet.

I'm doing my own version of Mystery Science Theater 3000 right now. Somehow the TV ended up on the Lifetime Network which is a deliberate choice in Kristina P's house, but is generally an accident here. Not judging. (Totally judging but pretending I'm not so I seem cool. Shhh.) Anyway, it's been there for three hours on mute while I've been revising my currently sucktastic-but-becoming-progressively-less-so novel. There is a Will and Grace rerun playing and I have no idea what's going on but it don't look right. I'm supplying my own dialogue. This will only end badly for Jack and Karen.

Eden has been smiting people with her cuteness all day.

I finally got a nursing bra that fits right last night. It's like finding religion.

I had a proud parenting moment at a baby shower tonight. (By the way, it was for a woman in my new ward and since there were three pregnant women there, I had no idea who I had even brought the gift for until she started opening it. Nice one, Mel.) The hostess is the nursery leader and insisted I bring my kids when she found out Kenny had band practice. At one point, I turned to discover that Grant had stolen a spoon from one of the fruit salads and was shoveling M&Ms from the candy dish straight into his mouth. Classy. So was the yogurt pretzel he licked and set aside.

I'm tired. It's 12:01 on the wrong side of the day and I shouldn't still be up. I'm going, going, gone.


Jenny P. said...

Oh, my holy hilarious. That catalog living blog is great. So happy for the referral.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

I havent' checked out the pottery barn catalog yet, but hee hee hee I love randomness. And nobody does it like you.

Lub the going going gone JJ reference. You ROCK!


Kristina P. said...

You really should give the Lifetime movies a chance. You could be being stalked as we speak, and you need to look for the signs!!

Susan said...

Leaving to check out the catalog living blog. Thanks for sharing your randomness. Sometimes, I forget it's okay to be random.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I love accidentally turning on the Lifetime Movie Network and then trying to guess the plot of the latest tragedy.

Remind me to check out that blog in two weeks when I get back. Sounds like pure awesomeness!

Erin said...

I read a book when I was younger about a family who had a tv but couldn't turn the sound up (the volume control was broken and apparently they didn't have a remote) so they improvised what the people were saying. I bet that's more entertaining than the actual show sometimes.

Love your randomness.

Unknown said...

I'm completely smitten with Eden's cuteness. And I can't blame Grant for his lunch choices. I really can't.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am so afraid to go check that blog out because I already have so many on my reader. But I am sure I still will.


NIKOL said...

I love Catalog Living! Everything was going well until Gary had bring out his giant ball of string...