Monday, August 25, 2008

Guest Blogger: Baby G

This is Baby G, my younger son. I feel super cruddy today because I'm rocking a fabulous summer head cold so he offered to guest blog for me. He said he'd do a little post about life as a nine-month old. He's a nice kid.

This morning I am bored. I'm going to go find something to do.

Hey! Mommy took the book away from me again. It tasted good.

Maybe I'll try this...

Hey! Mommy took the shoe away from me again. It tasted good.

What else? Oh, I know...

Hey! Mommy took her cell phone away from me again. It tasted good.

She keeps dangling all these bright noisy things in front of me. Toys, I think she calls them. They taste like plastic.

I better go find something else.

She took the carpet lint away again! Really? It's not like she uses it. Maybe she just doesn't know how much I like it. I should tell her...

Hm. I don't think she understood me. Now she's sitting on the floor, staring into the distance, shredding a tissue and looking very tired. Oh, I know. I'll tug on her hair to get her attention and tell her again about how I like carpet lint.

Oops. I forgot. She thinks tugging on her hair means distract me with a bottle. I hope she follows it with green peas again. If I smash them in my hair, she knows it means give me a bath. At least I have her trained right on that one.

She's dangling those toy things again. What is with that? I don't see her eating any plastic.

I think I'll go find another tasty book....


Brillig said...

HAHAHAHA. Oh my gosh, you're hilarious. And Baby G! What a writer already! Like mother like son, I suppose. :-D

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hee hee...bang on!

Anonymous said...

Baby Grant, you be good for your mommy!

Oh, and please stop chewing on my computer's power cable. That's 120 volts at 20 amps, son...

Alison Wonderland said...

baby "{?_
G and Irish2 need to hang out. I typed this with
yukf/ I2's help, can you tell?

Heather of the EO said...

So funny, I love it! Right now my one year old is yelling ma ma ma at the top of his lungs from his highchair. maybe that means something too :)

nano*ink said...

He looks like Kenny in that photo - maybe he needs a little more facial hair. : )

usepx - toothpick with a history!