Friday, August 8, 2008

Watching cartoons isn't summer camp?

Remember when summer camp was for rich kids? Even the YMCA one? My summers were all about watching cartoons until my mom kicked us out of the house and then getting up to no good in the neighborhood. Good times, good times. When my 8-year-old is at his dad's in San Francisco during the summer, though, they live smack in the heart of the city so you don't turn your kids loose to play in the 'hood all day. Maybe you don't do that anywhere anymore. Anyway, we split the bill on some crazy summer camp experiences for him. I'm totally subtracting this from his future college tuition. You're down two semesters of BYU for this summer, kid. And one if you're going to UCLA. But you can still afford a full course of classes at trade school. It's up to you.

Anyway, the following 30 second film totally made the camp costs worth it this summer. It's my boy's final project from a week of animation camp. Watch, and please comment. I'll pass the good ones on to him and he'll love it.



Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

That is so spiffy! Definitely worth losing the semester or two of school, 'cause you're going to look back on that in years to come and think, "Wow! I did that!"

charrette said...

Claymation at summer camp? That's way better than the ones our kids went to!

Great project! That could totally get him into BYU. Give us a holler in ten years. Maybe he'll get a scholarship and you can thank your lucky starts you sent him to summer camp.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that's a riot! I especially loved the Gumby-looking dude!

Alison Wonderland said...

Awesome! Animation camp... interesting.

Annette Lyon said...

The sound effects rocked! My son would totally jump out of his skin for a chance to go to that kind of summer camp.