Tuesday, November 25, 2008

'Ere you left your room this morning...

Have you ever been sitting and minding your own business, maybe eating a Twinkie or a nice bag of Funyuns, when The Funk pounces on you, grabs you by the throat, throws you to the ground, gives you a noogie, and then does an obnoxious, cackling happy dance?

No? It's just me, then.

I hate The Funk. I have a great few days to look forward to. I get to leave the kids in capable hands this afternoon and take off for a movie and dinner with one of my dearest friends. I get to spend tomorrow with family, eating chili and having a talent show. I get to spend Thursday with more family, eating myself into a blissful food coma. You think that'd be enough to fight The Funk.

But it's got me.

I hate it when this happens. Because I'm not prone to depression, I sometimes feel less capable of coping when I'm wallowing in a day or three of the blues. In the grand scheme of things, it goes away quickly; it's just that I resent The Funk being here at all.

I don't know where it comes from. Maybe it was not having enough comments on my blog post yesterday, or not having the butter pecan fudge I made come out exactly right, or it could be having three different families reject our invitation to hang out at the river this weekend because of stuff like "jobs." Pish! Or my nephew not being able to come now because of a "staph infection." Pish tosh!

Eating chocolate will only make The Funk worse because I'll feel bad for my lack of will-power. No escaping into a book because I'll be neglecting my kids. No shopping because I did that last weekend. I'll go work out and hope to release those endorphins and try not to dwell on the fact that I hate doing weights.

Or....maybe I could just pray. I guess I forgot that this morning.



LisAway said...

Oh the funk. I don't really enjoy the funk, either. And mine usually comes when I haven't been doin' the daily oblations, too.

Chris said...


I think you CAUGHT THE FUNK from ME when you commented on MY BLOG! I am SO sorry!


On a plus note, it really doesn't last long.

Why do I all of a sudden feel like I need to work, "Pish tosh" into my vocabulary?

That must be catchy too. :)

I need to focus on the prayer time too. Seems like that is also catchy and a good thing it is! :)

Becky said...

I hate The Funk, too. And you're right, it pops up out of nowhere. I can be having a great week and then one tiny little thing throws off my life for two days.

I think prayer is an excellent remedy, though!

Cajoh said...

Sometimes you cannot even pin-point why the funk got there, but there it is raising it's angry head begging for attention. It's always hard to get out of it when you know it's there and it seems strange advise to just say "ignore it", but once you don't think about it it goes away just as quickly as it came.

Even if you didn't pray, I'm sure that you are in your followers prayers.

CP said...

The Funk and I are occasional friends as well. I proud of you for outlining your escapes and why they wouldn't work. I usually get stuck at that point.

Anonymous said...

I hate the Funk, but I think he's nursing a crush on me. He's horrid. And I'm not so strong. He makes me do stuff like read for hours on end until I have a headache and then keep reading until I want to vomit me headache is so bad. He makes me eat crap that I DON"T EVEN LIKE!!!!! just because it's there and I want to eat. SOmetimes he even keeps me from doing stuff like showering, or putting on a bra.

So I am impressed that you continue on with life so well while under his spell. You're a rock star. I bet you can even tell that Funk to go straight to you-know-where and he'd LISTEN. Especially after your prayer.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I once lived in the funk. For years even. It is a bad, bad place. And no, it cannot be fought with chocolate.

Prayer though. Oh yes. =)

Emily said...

Melanie, I love your blog. Sorry about the funk. If it helps, I'm in one too. Topped with sick kids, a sleep deprived baby, and homelessness. Yeah, I don't know where to call home. Everything I own is in a storage unit in Texas, my husband is in Louisiana, and I am bouncing back and forth between my parents house and my in-laws house.

Notice how there is no "my house" written anywhere.

I hate the FUNK.

Anonymous said...

dang I hate The Funk. It really can grab you by the throat and give you a beating like you've never had before.

I use to take St. Johns wort for the Funk but then it didn't do anything. so i just went back to chocolate and diet coke. I think that works better for me.

Kristina P. said...

You definitely aren't alone. I think many people feel this way during the holidays.

And your comment today made me and another reader laugh out loud.

earlfam said...

Yep, prayer will usually do it. Unless it's the day before my period and then it doesn't work. That happened to me last week and I couldn't figure it out because it was five days too early. So why couldn't I get over the fact that Brent's brother wouldn't come for Thanksgiving because he thinks we'll get their brand new baby sick and his sister is coming but she's staying at the other sister's house instead of in our casita? Normally these things would not bother me so much. Sure enough, the next day.....

Anonymous said...

I had the Funk yesterday. And today I was feeling kinda better, then got hit with a stomach flu. At least it all makes sense, now.

Anonymous said...

Oh and your suggested solution is an excellent one. And one echoed by my visiting teachers this afternoon. Hmm, maybe I need to pay attention.

Heather of the EO said...

I've made it quite clear I get funky. Too often. And I realize that I can't sort through what it might be caused by. Hormones? Fatigue? Chemical Imbalance? A spiritual life that's in the crapper? Or ALL of the above. But I think it's amazing that feeling that terrible does get better, ebbing and flowing. To feel that way constantly would end me. So I see God's graces more clearly in the good days. Because He's overcome something I felt was looming. And then I can have BIG hope the next time the funk give me a noogie.

This was a really long comment.

annie valentine said...

Funyuns, mmmm.

Alison Wonderland said...

For a minute I thought you were talking about a different kind of funk. You did mention funyons afterall. Good luck with the praying, that should help but it m ay have to be combined with scripture reading or possibly even service. Working out might be less work.

Stephanie said...

I'm responding to both your funk posts at once. Man those days bite fast and unexpectedly, but I'm so glad you stomped it out. Nice work. Have a great thanksgiving.