Tuesday, December 16, 2008

She didn't deserve what happened to her...

I had to torture someone I really like with social humiliation yesterday, and I feel bad about it.

I may not be cut out to be a writer.

I mean, it's not like my character deserved it. She's a cool chick, minding her own business, but some editor somewhere decided she needed to be taken down a peg or two so that the rest of us can relate to her better. So I finally wrote it, the scene I've been trying to surpress for a week, and....well, she was totally embarassed. My husband nearly laughed himself sick, so I guess the editor was right, but it didn't make me feel better.

I can't watch prank shows or The Office because I squirm in sympathetic discomfort, so just imagine how it felt to take Jessie, my character, and subject her to an intensely humiliating situation on purpose. I like her and I still did it.

I USED to be a nice person. I don't know what happened. Do you think she'll forgive me if I juice up her big kiss scene?


LisAway said...

Dude. You'd better get making that book available for purchase here REAL quick.

Kristina P. said...

I LOVE The Office. I would read this scene in a heartbeat!

Anonymous said...

I am often embarrassed for folks in the Office, as well. Yet somehow, I just cannot look away. Your character will be just fine when this scene gets her more warped peeping Toms like me.

Cajoh said...

Perhaps she needs to be wine and dined as well— of course I do not know the character, so perhaps that's not something she would do. At least you didn't kill her you aren't going to kill her are you

Can't wait to buy that book.

Annette Lyon said...

She'll totally forgive you. (Speaking from experience here . . . characters ARE real, no matter what others say. :D)

Anonymous said...

I think part of why I admire The Office so much is that I. Could. Never. Write. That. Stuff. If you can, more power to you.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am curious about your book now!

Debbie said...

I cannot watch The Office either. You are the only other person I have ever heard say that. I sweat like a pig if I try to watch that show.

Anonymous said...

It WAS really, really funny! I even cringed a little.

Don't worry, sweetheart, your character still loves you. She knows it was necessary. Trust me, you could have made it a lot worse...

Perhaps one day you'll get to the point where, without even flinching, a character of yours will go on the most wonderful date of her entire life with the man of her dreams only to come home and see something green hanging out her nose. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. That would be awesome!!!

(though I know that will never happen ;)

Heather of the EO said...

She'll forgive. She will. Because I'm pretty sure she's totally sensitive and self-reflective at the same time as being forgiving and strong. And lots more stuff I have no clue about.

You're hilarious.

Anonymous said...

She'll not only forgive you, she'll thank you for not making her boring and one-dimensional. And for giving her experiences that round out her character arc. And for making her experience hard things. And for liking her through it all.

Alison Wonderland said...

I'm so very very sad for you, that is so hard! I'm the same way I can't watch the Office or that kind of show either. I had a really hard time a few weeks ago when my favorite character did something really stupid too (but it was all her, not me, I was just reporting on what happened, because that's my job). But you're a stud for having done it and I'm sure she'll forgive you.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You are so hilarious.

I get squirmy like that too. Not sure how I'll feel after I kill off my first character. I'll probably go into mourning or something.