Saturday, February 7, 2009

I guess I'm kinda rude

Okay, three things:

First, I think I have bad blog etiquette. In the first instance, I know I do, because I forgot to link yesterday's post back to Sue for Very Funny Friday, so if you read the ridiculous series below, know it's part of her blog carnival. In the second instance, I'm not so sure. Question: is it true that I'm supposed to respond to everyone who leaves a comment on my blog? Either via email or in the comments? I don't mind doing it; I just didn't know I was supposed to.

Second, my friend Jen is doing a cool giveaway on her blog, just in time for Valentine's Day and to give your kids something besides candy for once. Check it out at Skinny Habits.

Third, uh...

I forgot. Let's just stick with two.


Annette Lyon said...

I think I know which blog you read that is making you paranoid. Rest assured, you don't need to reply to every single comment. (I think *she* is paranoid.) Don't even worry.

Second, I'm going over to check out the giveaway. :)

Chris said...

Ooops! I forgot to link back to Sue too! I'm glad you said something.

You sure don't have to respond to MY comments. :) I'm just writing here to encourage YOU to keep writing because I enjoy your blog so much! THANKS! :)

Jami said...

I don't know if everybody does it. I try to, but sometimes it gets a bit unwieldy. I do always try to answer questions. But I'm still in the thirty to forty people reading my blog semi-regularly and about fifteen who read everything and they don't always comment. So it's do-able.

When you get Sue-sized [Sue's blog rather] it's impossible.

Jami said...

Who's paranoid? (Besides me?)

earlfam said...

No. All this comment obligation is one of the reasons I don't blog in the first place. Please don't take it to the next level and add responses to comments as part of the obligation. If you do, I promise I'll never comment on your blog again, because I won't want you to feel obliged to respond.

Heather of the EO said...

Yes, you should really respond to everything and if you don't, you're rude.

Kidding, of course.

On responding to comments:
Some people do, some people don't. If I respond it's because I feel I'm having a conversation and want to, not out of obligation. Some people maybe do out of obligation, but I don't think all do out of obligation. I just like typing obligation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what everyone else said. I respond to comments when I have time and when I feel like it (like if they asked a question or said something that made me think of something that interests me) and also because I want to encourage people to comment, but I have decided that to feel obligated and always respond would kill any energy I had for posting.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and besides what everyone else said: often the commenters don't ever come back and see your reply, so you end up talking to yourself anyway.

Kristina P. said...

I also echo everyone else. I will respond to people who have a question. Sometimes I do it on my blog, and sometimes I will email them or leave a comment on their blog.

But I don't know how you would possibly have the time to respond to each and every comment.

Josi said...

Huh, I don't know. I try to comment when people leave me comments, but I don't always, and I don't always comment on every blog I read and if I did I would have no life. I like life--and some of it does take place outside of blogland. That said, I don't usually frequent blogs were the writer never comes to my blog or comments on anything. I start feeling like I'm annoying them, so I back off. And we all forget to link back sometimes, not worth any tears, for sure.

Emily said...

I must have bad blog etiquette too because it NEVER crossed my mind to respond to every new comment.

I'm such a jerk.


Now I'm going to check out the give away. :)

Erin said...

I don't have the time or energy to respond to every single comment. I think I would die!

However, I do stop by and visit every new person who visits my blog. Common courtesy, you know?

Amateur Steph said...

Yeah, I'm with everyone else. I love comments and I like commenting, but I only comment when something strikes me or I have something to say besides, "funny" or "cute"
I have had some sneaking suspicions that I should respond to everyone, but guilt only motivates me a little.
I do visit their blog though if they comment.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I have never done a link back kind of blog post. I see people doing it all the time but haven't tried it myself.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I forgot to link back until I saw someone else had, so you are not alone.

Comment answering is 100% optional. I only respond if 1) I feel like it 2) laziness does not overwhelm me and 3) they wrote something that makes me WANT to reply. The back and forth is kind of nice, especially with those you feel a warm fuzzy bloggy connection with, but to be honest, reciprocal blog reading and commenting is honour enough, don't'cha think?

Debbie said...

Who told you we were supposed to respond to every comment. That is crazy! Like Heather and Kristina, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. And I have a personal thing against responding in the comments. I never go back to a blog and read the comments.
I think you have impeccable manners. Now get your elbows off the table and pass me some lunch.

Cajoh said...

I don't expect everybody's blog I comment on should comment back. I have a tendency to comment in spurts where I may comment a lot one day and not very much the next. I guess it all depends on the article and if it inspires me to comment. I am not offended if you do not comment. I just figure you're just way too busy coming up with great posts to comment on everybody's blog as you would wish.

j said...

YES! You absolutely MUST answer back any and all comments that are left on your posts or you will become blog-shunned.

OK, not really but the reason I am here is because you left a comment on my blog (big 'ol LOL).

Do what you want to do - I hate it when folks think that there are hard and fast rules to blogging. Uh uh, there would have to be like a Blogging Empress to make rules like that. And the Empress (Dooce) doesn't answer comments :)

Unknown said...

I guess I'm in Erin's club. I visit the blogs of people who leave comments on mine, mostly because I'm so narcisstic I assume anyone who likes what I have to say enough to comment on it is someone of intelligence and discriminating taste - and that's someone I want to know better!

Enjoyed the info about bathroom dryers & babies. I'll tell you something else about those dryers: If you try to dry your face with them and you accidentally aim it up your nose and it makes you sneeze, it will INSTANTLY fuse boogers to your eyebrows.

Jessica G. said...

I don't leave comments if the only thing I have to say is "Your kids are soooooo cute!" and I'd be lying.

Dedee said...

If I'm supposed to respond to everyone, then my blogging life will become very short very fast. And you have waaay more readers than I do.

Respond when you want to.