Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Insert Twilight Zone theme here. Or you know, something that's eerie sounding that came from this century and doesn't show my age as much.

Hey, if you don't want anyone to read your blog one day, and especially if you don't want them to comment, don't start your post with, "When Abraham Lincoln died...", even if the blog post is about what's in your purse because you're a total narcissist. Just sayin'.

I used up all my deepness yesterday, but here's a couple of things I've been wondering about:

This is Lisa from Away From It All, one of my favorite blogs. She's an American married to a Pole. As in from Poland, not as in something you dance on, although what they do in the privacy of their home is none of our business. But I think it's mostly brownie baking over there. Oh, and raising her kids with incredible wisdom. Anyhoo, they live in Poland and she blogs about that among other things, and she's funny and deep, and unabashedly spiritual, open, very giving in her comments to others, and shares great insights about life outside of the U.S. and the stuff you can't get in Poland that surprises me. Like you can't get mint extract or marshmallow creme, I think, so I'm not moving there.

This is Erin:

Is anyone else a little freaked out right now?

Why not?

Oh, you think they look alike because they're sisters?

But they don't even know each other. I don't think they even read each other's blogs. Erin blogs over at If You Give a Mom a Moment, a blog I'm new to but rather enjoying. She's also witty and blogs about a plethora of things. She's one of those slice of life type bloggers like, oh, say...me? I'm such a narcissist, apparently I will only hang out with people who write the same kind of stuff I do. Anyway, well worth the read.

The thing is, I've seen Erin around in comment trails for a long time. I've even seen them around the same comment trails.

And I've wondered...

I'm just saying...it's a little spooky, girls.

*Update: Since Lisa is concerned that I'm infringing on copyright stuff here by "blowing her up and making her look like she has gobs of stuff in her teeth" and I thi nk that's a direct quote from the comment trail, let me add a little here. I think it's nice that you look like Erin. I have a doppleganger, too. A famous one, even. Now, if you read Kristina P.'s blog (and if you aren't, WHY AREN'T YOU?), you'll know she gets confused with Beyonce, which as you can see in these photos I lifted straight from her blog, is understandable:

Oh, wait. Blogger is not cooperating on my photo uploads. Shocking. So check it out here. Just scroll past the guy with the hairy back. Anyway, I'm not so sure my doppleganger is as cool, but it's been said I look like:

That's stupid. Our bangs go opposite directions.

Anyway, not sure how I feel about that, but it could have been far, far worse...


Kristina P. said...

They do look like each other! Maybe they are long lost sisters.

LisAway said...

I'm suing. You can't just take my picture like that and make it so huge that it looks like there's glue between my teeth or something.

Oh, and also because Erin and I DO read each other's blogs.

And also because we ARE sisters. Oh wait. That's not a reason to sue. Oh, and we're actually not sisters anyway, so scratch that.

Thanks a lot for all the super kind kindness. You're very kind.

And I think you were looking for the X-Files theme.

Anonymous said...

I think it's just the hair. And the glasses. And their coloring. And the expressions on their faces, and the lighting in the photos. Other than that, I don't know what you're talking about -- they look nothing alike.

Heidi said...

I totally get them mixed up all of the time. I have to really concentrate when I am responding to their comments in my comment box so that I don't call them by the wrong name.

Annette Lyon said...

THANK YOU! I thought I was the only one who considered them look-alikes.

Back in high school (TOTALLY dating myself now), I was often told I looked like Helen Hunt. Hasn't happened in ten years or so, though.

TheOneTrueSue said...


You do look a bit like her. Now the question is, do you SOUND like her. Please post a video of yourself singing "You Oughta Know" so that we may compare and contrast.

Erin said...

How funny! I am planning on doing a video post one of these days...we should have Lisa do one too so we can see just how alike we are.

And you look just like one of my husband's ex-girlfriends from high school. But I won't hold that against you. She was gorgeous, after all. My husband has great taste.

Amateur Steph said...

Hey, I liked that Abraham Lincoln post. I was going to say, "I wish you were my teacher in high school because that is way cooler than anything I did." Or I wish you were my teaching colleague so we could come up with awesome ideas like the purse one together. (Or I could just steal your awesome ideas because I wasn't that awesome)
And yes, they do look alike. A lot.

Sara@iSass said...

I once did a post about British me. See there is a very purdy british gal that has MY name.
I've never met anyone that looks like me though. That would be freaky.

Stephanie said...

I can tell them apart now, but early on, it was a little tricky. And as for your look-alike, you're a lot prettier. I think I'll save my look-alikes for a post of my own. :)

Unknown said...

That doppelganger thing is spooky, for sure. I'm always being mistaken for Sarah Palin. It's the glasses, I think. And the fact that I'm governor of Alaska. Those similarities really throw people, I'm telling you.

I agree with Steph; you're cuter than your famous twin. And since I have no idea who your twin even is, it could be argued that, in DeNae-land, YOU'RE more famous than SHE!

Cajoh said...

I have a doppelganger but it's because we share the same name— I'm always forwarding those e-mails sent to me by mistake.

Sure glad I go by name and not by photo when I read comments or else I might get confused too.

Dedee said...

At least it's not Brangelina. . .

Dedee said...

This is Eowyn, btw.

Debbie said...

Well, I read and commented yesterday! And wow. They do look just alike. Freaky.

Tom said...

I have been an evil twin enthusiast all my life. All you need to do is write a post about doggledangers and I will sign up as a follower. One of my favorite websites is:

My Diary said...

Wowsers you look a lot like the "isn't it ironic lady" for sure. well a little, well um, you are so much prettier. I wonder who I look like. A cartoon maybe.

Kazzy said...

You can't be Alannis's sis unless you are constantly annoyed and ready to bite someone's head off. But Lisa and Erin do look a bit alike. Funny. I am constantly asked if I am related to "so and so" from wherever. Common I guess :(

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Okay, the bangs in opposite directions line made me actually GUFFAW. And I'm way too cool to be guffawing. Yo.

Emily said...

Lovin' the Mac lipstick in your photo. :) And I totally get Kristina mixed up with Beyonce. Anyone would. :)

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

your faces are actually very similar! i'll have to blog about the person that people say i look like...someday...maybe!

the other bloggers you mentioned...totally look alike also!

charrette said...

I love that you just said doppelganger. One of my favorite words. You wield it well.

I've seen those two in loads of comment trails. I think I used to get them mixed up.

j said...

Maybe they are the same blogger managing two blogs.

If so her (the two of them her) house is messier than mine is. One blog = mess.
Two blogs = OMGosh!! mess

Lara Neves said...

Came over from Erin's blog...but I think I might have visited you before...why did I not come back?

Great post, even though I don't really see it. I think it's just the hair and glasses and the tininess of the pictures. But it seems I am in the vast minority (wait...minorities are not vast), so I guess I'm wrong.

I was told all the time that I look like Terri Hatcher back in her Lois and Clark days. However, now that she's all famous again, only one or two people have mentioned similarities. It's because we don't have the same hair anymore. I still have the Lois do, not the Housewife do.

Heather of the EO said...

Can you believe I've never noticed that Lisa and Erin look alike? Wow, I'm so clueless.

Or...um...very focused on individuality....and stuff.