Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am blessed.

I feel so blessed by my Heavenly Father this week. I have had a sure and quiet knowledge that He is with me every day. I began the week with a blessing from my husband. He placed his hands on my head and blessed me with the strength to get through this week of rising so early to teach seminary, to be able to care for my children with a cheerful heart, and to have all the physical stamina I would need to accomplish my given tasks.

There are a few things I've let go. No gym. My house is in slight disarray.

But my spirit is swollen to happiness. I have felt God's hand in my life each day, like it was His hand that touched my head in benediction on Sunday night. My spiritual eyes watch the world in sharper focus, amazed at answers that pop up to questions I didn't know I had, thrilled at connections between ideas and principles that don't normally intersect, delighted by my recognition and acceptance that I am totally dependent on my Heavenly Father and that all things come from Him.

He is a good parent. He knows me well, and understands how to teach me. He is patient as I learn. He rewards me richly when I do.

I love my Heavenly Father. I am grateful I got to serve Him this week. I am humbled that I have been entrusted with the care of some of His sweetest spirits. I am happy.


Kristina P. said...

Beautiful, Melanie!

Annette Lyon said...

What KristinaP said. Only I'll add, "inspirational." I needed it.


Dedee said...


Karen Mello Burton said...

I love it when I feel a swollen spirit. Thanks for this post!

Emily said...

It really is amazing how wonderful teaching seminary is.

Thanks for this. I feel uplifted.

LisAway said...

I love that. Thanks, Melanie.

Elder Ostergar said...

This entry goes in my gratitude journal! Thanks for rememnding me how much I have to be thankful for and how much I NEED the spirit to guide me every day. You are a way better writer than me, by the way. Thanks for putting into words what I believe!

nano*ink said...

Gwen had a father's blessing on Sunday - her 40th birthday. What a good thing! It's been a long time since one of those. She wanted me to write it down for her. I talked in church on Sunday - subbed in Jr. Primary and did Sr. Primary and Choir and so forth...but I felt the blessings too. HUGS!

Unknown said...

And now I know - and love - you even better. I'm sending you a big, psychic hug right now...transmitting...transmitting...

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

So beautiful...I need to think that way in terms of my own children...remember that humbled feeling I felt when they were first born. We are blessed indeed, and you are especially blessed at this time in your life. My mum found the same thing when she taught seminary. She said she cried for a week when they released her because the spiritual high was so much harder to maintain.

That Girl said...

I love this. We need more posts like it.
