Thursday, March 26, 2009

More answers

Nancy asked: How do Grant and James interact?

Well, to answer that, let me explain that Nancy is James grandma but not my mother-in-law. That clears everything right up, yes? Anyway, she has a vested interest in what Jamesie-boy is up to. The answer is that most of the time those two are together, it's a sure bet they've both eaten a heaping serving of silly topped off with a goofy cherry. They LOOOOOOVE to make each other laugh and will go to great extremes to do so, even though usually all James has to do is stare at Grant for a few seconds and then Grant loses it. No one can make Grant (16 months) laugh as hard as James can (9 years). Nothing makes Grant happier than making his big brother laugh either. They're crazy about each other. That's not to say that Grant doesn't make his brother slightly crazy by getting into his stuff or drawing on his homework or babbling when James is trying to do his spelling, but for the most part, they're pretty delighted with each other. James is a fantastic big brother.

Erin asked: Why can't I be as good of a writer as you? And is it bad to covet talents?

Um...thank you and yes. You've officially lost your place in heaven. As have I for coveting the talents of writers far better than me like DeNae at My Real Life Was Backordered or Debbie at Suburb Sanity who currently would be on "Repeat" if they were a song on my iPod. And besides, Erin, I really like your blog. I think you're a good writer and have no need to covet anyone else's talent because you have plenty of your own.

That Girl from Brazil asked: What is your favorite time of day to exercise, and what do you do with your kids?

If I don't exercise first thing in the morning, there's a 93% chance it won't happen at all, so it's the A.M. for me. James is in school so I don't have to worry about him. What I do with the baby depends on what I'm doing for exercise. If I'm going to the gym, I stick him in the stroller, we walk the three blocks down to 24 Hour Fitness, and he goes in the Kid Care. He loves it because he doesn't get to play with other kids that much. If I'm doing an ocean side walk, I just stick him in the stroller and he cruises with me. Did you know you burn about 20% more calories that way? If I'm doing a DVD or Wii Fit at home, I let him run loose unless he's getting underfoot too much and then I stick him in the Baby Corral until I'm done. Most of these options are probably not so readily available for you with two little ones so close in age and the whole no 24 Hour Fitness thing in Brazil, but I'm super lucky it works out for me.

And I do believe that's it. I'll scour my comment trail from the last week for any questions I missed and take care of them tomorrow, but I do believe you guys have gotten me through a whole week of blogging when I desperately needed the help due to time/sleep deprivation. You guys are the BEST.


LisAway said...

I love older kids with a baby. It's like some kind of magic in the home. (sounds dumb but that's how I feel about it.)

I think the main reason I don't exercise like I should is I don't have an ocean nearby to do an ocean side walk. If I take Aaron for a walk this is what we see. Not nearly so invigorating or refreshing.

Karen Mello Burton said...

My boys always got/get along well too. We tell them that they are friends forever and ever and we need to make it work.

I do my exercising at night (9 pm) once everyone is tucked in, but that is mostly because I work during school hours.

Cajoh said...

I know that I read your posts because you are a very good writer. I don't know if I could ever write a book, but I know I'm getting better because of influential examples such as yours.

Kristina P. said...

I read a lot of author's blogs, and I love seeing everyone's different writing styles.

And I can't exercise in the morning. And I don't usually do it at night. I'm a failure.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You know...I'm kind of looking forward to having some kids a little further apart. Emma spent more time "accidentally" endangering her little sister's life than anything else. I think a larger gap would be a wee bit more restful...I love the description of your boys' relationship!

Erin said...

Since I have lost my place in heaven, does that mean I can stop being "good"?

Dreaded exercise. I actually did 30 minutes on the Wii Fit yesterday (including 10 minutes of rhythm boxing), and my arms are killing me today. Yes, I am THAT out of shape.

Becky said...

Oh, man. I wish my kids liked each other... :)

Heidi said...

Melanie, would you be willing to guest post for me when I take a blogcation the week after Easter? If you are interested, please email me at

Dedee said...

I'm also a morning exerciser. If it doesn't happen before the kids even wake up, in my case, it doesn't happen--unless I have time and the weather is good (not today) and I can walk to get the kid from school.

I love those moments when everyone gets along and the laughter just rumbles through the house!

And the post about the humor of living in the ASL world cracked me up. Sometimes I wish I lived in a more blunt world. A world that didn't prevaricate. . .

Oh, and I give you a thousand, million points for all those fancy-schmancy-pancsy words!

That Girl said...

Dang. That kid care thing sounds absolutely celestial.

And I'm glad you linked to DeNae and Debbie. They are, in a word, INCREDIBLE.

Annette Lyon said...

Which reminds me . . . time to get on the treadmill . . .