Monday, March 2, 2009

Sleeping on the job

It occurs to me every so often that I'm not sure how I would feel if I was an actor playing a character in a coma. Would I be like, "Cool. I get to nap on the job," or would I be like, "Borrrring"?

I mean, I really, really like naps. But I also like variety. But I like variety within a structured routine. Yeah, so I'm not sure if I would want to be an actor playing a character in a coma. I do know I don't want to be an actor, but this is just if I were an actor, how would I feel about the coma thing?

And I have no idea.

This is terrible. I don't know myself at all.


LisAway said...

I think about this all the time, too.

I don't want to be an actor, either. But once I was in an episode of the Wonder Years and I kept thinking, what if I wasn't an extra but I was Winnie, and for some reason my character went into a coma and I had to just lay there the whole show?

Just kidding. I never once thought about that.

You are weird and random.

In a good way, of course, because I love you.

Anonymous said...

Right now I would love to be playing me, in a coma-like sleep, in my own bed. Instead of watching Hazel try to shake off a case of the hiccups and spit out her binkie. (Testing: does loud crying cure hiccups? Result: Yes!)

Her face sure is beautiful in the soft glow of the computer screen.

And I sure am slow at typing one-handed.

If I really were an actor, I'd like to play a role like the lead in "Lie To Me," circling around a suspect and asking random questions until I shout "There it is!" when some tiny facial tic reveals the suspect's guilt.

Either that or play Maria Von Trapp. Or (DUH!) Elizabeth Bennett.

Anonymous said...

I would not be able to do this because once they said "Action" I would suddenly feel the urge to either itch my nose or use the bathroom. I would last 3 seconds tops.

Heather of the EO said...

Is this what got you thinking about twitchy eyes, or did you find the twitchy eye article and then think about how you couldn't be a character in a coma if you had that problem? :)

Right about now, I'd love to be a character in a coma, cause I could just rest. I mean, if my eyes would sit still...

Annette Lyon said...

Wow. Deep thoughts.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Laughing here. I love short random posts- many times they make me think about things much more than a long wordy one.

If the pay was the same, I would do the coma thing. Although I am sure it is harder than it looks. Having to lie still and not move a muscle.

Stephanie said...

I say if you like naps and you like variety, maybe you should play a character with narcolepsy. Then you could nap briefly in many different circumstances.

Kristina P. said...

I often think the same thing about playing a slutty sorority girl. Not a lot of acting there. I think I need something to push me a little further.

Josi said...

I'd want to know if they have coma-pay. I mean, I better make ample compensation--can you imagine how hard it would be to lie completely still while all the exciting stuff is happening around you--people crying, maybe shooting other people, who know.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I've never pondered the talent required to play such a role. Huh. Fascinatin'.

Debbie said...

Melanie, you simply have to come to some conclusion on this! What if an agent calls today?

Anonymous said...

I want to play the girlfriend with few lines but lots of making out with any number of male characters on the too many TV shows I watch.

Of course, I'd need to be 10 years younger and 30 pounds lighter, but other than that, I'd manage that role quite well, thank you.

nano*ink said...

They probably wouldn't have the camera on you very much...that would be boring...only if your finger twitched or sumpin'

Erin said...

I keep wondering about all of the people who die on LOST. They frequently have numerous face shots, and of course I am staring like a hawk to see them move. And they never do! How do they like playing dead?

April said...

I wouldn't be able to lie that still. My eye lids would flutter.

I also wouldn't be able to play a person with a twitch. I would then get a muscle spasm and have to pay for major massage therapy. ohhh a massage, that sounds good.

Unknown said...

Oh, you're right! This is TOTALLY lucid and thought provoking! A thousand apologies, Melanie!

Re: Your comment on my MMB nomination post: I guess I was referring to the other 99,999,999 of us bloggers who are posting like we had Nyquil for breakfast.

(BTW, thanks for being such a fun bloggy pal! It's as much a kick to see your name on the comments page as it is to read your posts!)

Dedee said...

so, I'm just laughing.

(Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz! I so totally want to be that person someday!)

(But that would require me not to laugh at myself!)

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

so i just love that you say what everyone else is thinking and doesn't say (or says tactlessly) your tactful candor. :-)

ps: hey, don't tell but you're one of the only people in my google reader that I NEVER click "mark all as read" even when it's been over a week since i've been able to catch up with your blog.