Friday, February 27, 2009

Warning: saccharine overdose ahead

We interrupt this snarky blog to bring you an "Aw, shucks," moment.

Kenny and I have a very regular date night. Once a week, we find time to go out, even if it's just to a movie. Sometimes we do over the top cool stuff (like Cirque du Soleil last week, SO cool!), but whatever we do, it's nice to have an evening out of the house with each other and no kids. My brother and his girlfriend watch the boys for us a lot, and we use babysitters a lot. And by a lot, I mean four times a month combined.

The other night Kenny asked James which babysitter he wanted.

"I have to have a babysitter again? Why?"

"Because your mom and I are having date night."

"Why do you have to go on so many dates?"

"It's important to me to spend time with your mom so she knows I love her."

James looked kind of bummed so Kenny asked, "Do you not like your babysitters?"

"They're okay. But every time I have a babysitter, it means that's only SIX days we all get to hang out instead of SEVEN."

Aw, shucks.

And that's why James is my Friday Favorite.

And also Kenny because he's so good about date nights.

Oh, and Baby G because he makes mischief look cute.


LisAway said...

What is that little (big) Baby G playing with?

What a cute kid. What could be better than knowing that your kid (a nine year old, too!) wants to spend every possible minute with you "hanging out"?

Karen Mello Burton said...

Sweet. My husband is the same way about date nights. Religious. We are lucky ladies.

Annette Lyon said...

Aw, shucks. :D

Jami said...

That's not saccharine; that's pure cane sugar! Sweet but real.

Kristina P. said...

What a sweet, sweet thing to say. Was he trying to get something? ;)

Aubrey said...

Love that picture of James! It reminds me of the Calvin and Hobbes where Calvin is convinced that his bike is trying to kill him. :)

Becky said...

My husband and I are HORRIBLE about date nights. So my kids love having babysitters - it's like a novelty.

Anonymous said...

I love date nights. I love that my baby is now in first grade and Larry works 4 miles away so now we sometimes even get date lunches, too. Or mornings at the temple. I'm a big fan of my husband, and there's nowhere I'd rather be than alone with him virtually anywhere.

We are blessed!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Aww shucks indeed!

Our date nights kind of ended when I said I didn't want to square dance anymore. There's something both funny and sad about that...

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh how cute. I love ah shucks moments! I love that phot of your son in the tree.

Josi said...

And now don't you feel guilty for going out AGAIN and breaking his little cotton pickin heart?

nano*ink said...

Grant is growing up...not to mention the 9-year old cub scout. I tried to teach 14 year old girls some valentine stuff - they don't listen either. Maybe it's me...but couldn't be, righit?

We had date nights too - even if it was just to the grocery store without the kids. love 'em

lislynn said...

Do you even KNOW how lucky you are?? Quick, someone, what are the statistics on hubbys who take their wives out for a date once a week....? Not good, I predict.

wendy said...

That big tree with the bike at the bottom --how fun!! Ah, he has a point there ........what are ya gonna say to that. Just tell him you can only be nice 6 days of the week that on the 7th ----you turn into a witchy-poo . Scare tactics. Now, have you wondered about the "motive"??

Heidi said...

Two totally adorable boys!

Lara Neves said...

Awwww...shucks indeed. What a sweet boy you have.

Anonymous said...

I don't think my husband and I have been out in like 4 months :(

that is really sweet!

Debbie said...

That mischief does look cute! And our kids love to be with us too which does make leaving them hard.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting out once a week, (that's our semi-successful aim, too,) and congratulations on being missed while you're gone!

(I don't mind happy blog posts.)

charrette said...

This speaks volumes.