Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bust out the See's, y'all!

I passed my word count goal (75,000) on my current manuscript! Yay!!!!!!!

I have no idea how many words I have left now.

And I don't know what sound effect to use for that.

I know for dang sure that I just earned some chocolate and a pedicure, though.


Kristina P. said...

Yay! Congrats, Melanie! You deserve a Snuggie hug.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh the feeling of a writing milestone accomplished! Congratulations!

Karen Mello Burton said...

It helps SOOO much to reward yourself, huh? Congrats. What kind of manuscript are you working on?

Jami said...

Wahoo! Yay! Scotchmallows all around!

Aubrey said...

Go, you! I'm so impressed, especially since I'm kind of idling in neutral right now.

I can't wait to see it when it's finished!

Emily said...

Yay! Eat some Tam Tams!

wendy said...

See's chocolates are THE BEST!! love em!! congrats on your goal----------that's a lot of words girl

Anonymous said...

WOO-HOO!!! CONGRATULATIONS MELANIE!!!! I've been watching your word count go up and up and I was eagerly waiting this announcement. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

I must be doing this backwards, because I've eaten the See's but don't have a manuscript to show for it.

CONGRATULATIONS on doing things in a better sequence!

Unknown said...

Every single one of my posts is roughly 75,000 words, so I know EXACTLY how you feel.

Except my stuff is complete pish-posh. That part is different.

And I did notice the "same blog post title" thing, and didn't think a thing about it except, "I love Melanie! She reads what I write!!"

Melinda said...

WAHOO! I'm totally up for See's and a pedicure, when should I meet you!? :D

Heather of the EO said...

You rock!

I think I saw Tam Tams in Target the other day. I'll get them and eat them in honor of you!

Heidi said...

Yay for you! 75,000--that's a ton! Can't wait to read it when it becomes a book between covers. :)

LisAway said...

Wow. Now That's got to feel good. And even better while your eating chocolate and getting a pedicure. Congrats!

Dedee said...

Yes, you did earn that pedi!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

OMGOSH! I'm so proud of you! HIGH FIVE!