Monday, April 13, 2009

Hide and Seek

I've got zombies on the brain. I guess a zombie on the brain is better than a zombie in my brain. You know, like, eating it and stuff?

Anyway, at some point today, Heidi Ashworth at Dunhaven Place may, if something is very wrong with her, decide to publish the guest post I promised to do for her. You'll see what I mean about zombies, and perhaps wonder as I will, why on earth she asked me to guest post. She seems like a sane, normal woman.

I'll be back tomorrow. Because I have a problem and I can't stay away. However, being as I need to talk to other adults, I refuse to get help. And so I blog.


Dedee said...

Hope things are okay there. I'll go wander over to visit Heidi and see.

Kristina P. said...

Loved the post, Melanie!

Unknown said...

OK, I "commented" commented over at Heidi's place, but I forgot to mention, I saw that picture in the paper yesterday, and I immediately figuered either YOU or Kristina would be blogging about it soon. Well writ, you!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Great post! How could vampires find their way into Miss D? Maybe they could do some nightly, unsuspected pruning of the roses?

Debbie said...

I shall stumble over there with a vacant look in my eyes and my arms stretched out and read that post.

Anonymous said...

I'll be on the lookout for your post!!!

Luisa Perkins said...

It was a great post, even if you did did my Brontes.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

I saw you at Miss Heidi's! Loved your post!

Cajoh said...

At first I thought you were talking about hide and seek. We like playing in the dark— it's a lot of fun.

Went over and read your review— never read either, but it sounds like an interesting spin on a classic story.