Thursday, April 9, 2009

Is it just me?

I hate it when I'm in the car, and a great song comes on the radio, so I rock out to it (yeah, that's me you saw car dancing at the red light) and I think, "Man, this is really good. Who is this?"

And then I find out it's Nickelback.


LisAway said...

It might not just be you, but it's definitely not me. I've never heard of Nickelback.

Shellie said...

That happened to me with that new Miley Cyrus song

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that may be just you.

That's my story, and I'm stickin' with it.

Stephanie said...

Oooh, I hate that too. It's hard to back up and un-like a song.

CountessLaurie said...

Uh oh, are we not supposed to like Nickelback? It's too late for me, but not for you. Just don't listen to "If Everyone Cared" and you might be be ok.

Kristina P. said...

This made me snort.

And I do want to have a hatred for Nickelback, but truthfully, I sort of like their songs.

How can singing about wanting to be a big rock star, driving fancy cars, and having drug dealers on speed dial, possibly be bad?

Kenny, the husband said...

Melanie can attested that the same thing happened to me...but with a Creed song!!! And I'm the uber-geeky-music-snob in the family!

I'm sorry, but "Higher" really is a great song.

[turning in his uber-geeky-music-snob membership card]

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I love that Creed song too.

And I have so done exactly the same thing.

Debbie said...

Happens to me all the time. Then, I am secretly thrilled my teenagers didn't catch me and I turn the radio back to their station before I get out so I don't get busted:)

Anonymous said...

Um...I love I ousted? My musical taste is pretty eclectic. I love everything from Opera to Country to even some Rap songs.

Dedee said...


Heidi said...

I just need to know why Lisa doesn't know who Nickleback is. (Poland is looking better and better.)

Unknown said...

Happens to me all the time. There I am, rockin' away, singing into my hairbrush, missing the green light cuz I'm so in the zone, only to learn that it's The Captain and Tenille, backed up by The Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

SO embarrassing.

Erin said...

I just had to go look in my iTunes folder and see if I had any Nickelback, and I don't.

Does that mean I'm cool or not? Wait - don't answer that.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Amen I, I'm alive. Singing A-men I, I'm aliiiiiive. I am with you on the Nickelback thing. Last Summer I would call my then-17 year-old and hold my phone up to the radio every time that song was on. We both got soooo sick of it!

Keep dancing!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Ha ha That never happens to me.

I know my nickleback. hee hee

But actually that is exactly how I became a crash test dummy. True story.

Julie Wright said...

I love nickleback and love rocking out in my car. My daughter decided I was cool the day she found a nickleback CD in the car and then found out it was MOM'S!!!

wendy said...

I love to rock out to music in my car as well. I'm surprised I'm not deaf as I turn it on so loud. And I like lots of different music--What's wrong with Nickelback dude.

Jessica G. said...

Yup, me and Shellie have the same taste in music, apparently...I was horrified when they announced the name and artist on that one.

But I've always been a big fan of car dancing.

Wonder Woman said...

Alright. I've read every post on this page and loved them all. My time to blog is running out, so I didn't comment on each. It takes me a minute or two to come up with something clever, and that's just not time I have right now.

But you're very witty, and I enjoy your blog. I'll be back.

p.s. love nickleback. And I felt *exactly* the way you did with Miley's first one -- I can't wait to see you again.