Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shh..don't tell.

Sometimes, like the other day, Kristina P blogs about the Post Secret site where people tell their secrets anonymously.

I'm going to tell my own anonymous secret today:

People think I style Baby G's hair with gel to set his curls. The truth is, that's usually his breakfast caked in there.

I feel better now. I'm so glad no one will ever know this was me.


Kristina P. said...

I am so glad that you felt safe enough to share that traumatic secret with us. Well played, Melanie.

Cajoh said...

I'll have to consider that the next time I run out of gel. (Of course, I don't have enough hair to gel anyway).

Good confession…

Shellie said...

I bet it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders!

Lara Neves said...

That is such a great secret. You should definitely send it to Frank. And we will have no idea who sent it in.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh the genius that is you!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of secrets, Reader let me read the Memorex post that no longer exists. ;)

My oldest used to routinely slather himself in applesauce, and that makes a good hair gel, too. (But it's murder getting it out of the cracks of the high chair.)

Anonymous said...

(Oh, and I was too busy contemplating my own gift-giving inadequacy for it to occur to me that you might sound self-congratulatory. Not that I think you did. And I did buy Dean a skydiving gift certificate once, and I do feel self-congratulatory about that, but usually my gifts to him are lame-to-nonexistent. This year for Christmas we both just picked out our own gifts. Of course, we did both did like what we got.)

Karen Mello Burton said...

LOL Hey, whatever it takes to look good, huh?

Stephanie said...

oooh, you sneaky little devil. :)

Heidi said...

At least he always has a snack handy, huh?

Heather of the EO said...

Ha ha ha, this really happens with Asher. Very sticky styling gel, that jelly.

Unknown said...

This is how I've always done my hair. Doesn't everyone have a swarm of bees following them everywhere they go?

The Crash Test Dummy said...

You gotta love anonminmity or is annonymnity? Or annnonnynity?

Whatev!! You gotta love it.

Debbie said...

I style my own hair that way too! We have so much in common.

Erin said...

I love you.

Anonymous said...

That's very frugal of you. Saves putting all of those empty gel bottles in the landfills, too. You're so awesome!

LisAway said...

I find this secret to be rather traumatizing. At least I don't know who it was. Then it would be HALF as traumatizing. Or doubly traumatizing. Or not at all traumatizing. And I'm writing traumatizing out so many times that it looks really weird (although it was a weird word to begin with) and now I really am traumatized. I hope I can fall asleep with that secret weighing on my mind. And all the trauma.

wendy said...

I am glad you got that off your chest. I won't tell ANYONE

Anonymous said...

Nothing like egg yolk to set a hairstyle!