Saturday, April 4, 2009


So, about a year ago I heard this really interesting story on NPR one night from these guys about coming up with a six word epitaph for your own tombstone. Every now and then I think about that story.

Today was one of those days. It was on my mind as I drove all over the place doing errands and the best one I could come up with was this:

She loved her husband and children.

But I think it's exactly enough.

Think about yours. It makes your soul feel better.


LisAway said...

That sounds just perfect. I'll have to think about this. If I can't come up with anything better, it looks like we'll have matching headstones.

Luisa Perkins said...

I did mine a while back; I love yours.

Stephanie said...

Very nice. Maybe mine would say: Here lies Stephanie. She tried hard.

Karen Mello Burton said...

"She and her phone... both dead." Story of my life. I really need a new cell phone battery.

Lara Neves said...

I've seen a whole list of these. I will have to do some thinking on it. I like yours though..and it probably fits a lot of us!

Kristina P. said...

I just woke up, so I will have to think about this when I'm conscious.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd have to steal yours. That's exactly what I'd want people to know about me.

If I were going for funny, I might say "She was a heifer beast daily."

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Can't say much better than that, eh?

Heather of the EO said...

Love it.

Heather really liked reading Write Stuff.

I do, but that isn't really what mine would say.

I want to steal yours too.

Alisa said...

So, I'm in a saucy mood. How about:
Big Tits. Long Legs. Smokin A##.
Could I be remembered for anything better?
What? Not appropriate? I'll have to get back to you later then.

wendy said...

Man, I don't know what I'd want on my toombstone.I just want something garrishly big (tee,hee)
How about --Loved adventure, loved passion, experienced both.

Emily said...

Nice. Is your copy written? Because I think I'm gonna use it.

Anonymous said...

I never limited myself to a few words in life so I don't see why I should have to in death. Which leads me to something like this:

"Can't talk now that I'm dead."

But if I had to give a serious answer it'd have to be something along the lines of:

"Live faithfully; let's reunite in heaven."

Cajoh said...

I may have to think a while to come up with one that works best. Perhaps I'm crazy in that I would like to have a "final word" read to those who attend my funeral.

Anonymous said...

Good one.

I like this idea. But for some reason, I think I'm in a bad place in my head to do one. I keep thinking of things like "Well, she could have done better." I hope I remember this when I'm happier.

Josie said...

I love that! Your blog is awesome!!

Megan {ShabbyBlogs} said...

So glad to have found your blog! I love the way you write. I am SO following. :)

Debbie said...

I think I'd have to copy yours. You wouldn't begrudge a dead woman a little plagiarism, would you?

nano*ink said...

I have a small collection of funny epitaphs...I wanted to do my front lawn on Hallowe'en with gravestones...never have.

"I told you I was sick!"

Dedee said...

I like yours, and Wendy's.

Wife, Mom, Musician, Seamstress, Peacemaker, Friend.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Hmmm. That is interesting.

How about "She seriously blogged her brains out!"

hee hee hee

Do I win something for that?