Friday, May 8, 2009

Freeze Tag

We play the best game at our house when the kids go to bed. This is because they think we're grown ups and I don't want us to blow our cover.

We watch TV on the DVR and whoever is in charge of the remote will randomly pause it and the other person has to immediately imitate whatever face the person on the screen is making.

It's awesome.

I know most of you are just going to take my word for it and not try it yourself, but I'm just saying.

It is. Awesome.

And I think I'm better at it than Kenny. He just doesn't have quite as much dork in him as I do.


That Girl said...

I'm now tempted to get DVR just to play this game.


Kristina P. said...

We can play this game, simultaneously!

Jami said...

You are awesome! Wish we were next-door neighbors. (In your neighborhood, not mine!)

Jacobson Family said...

I haven't commented this week, but I want to make sure everyone reads this so I'll comment here on YESTERDAY'S post:

My wife ROCKS! The Family Fun Night will be the best one EVER and it's all because of my wife. Even the PTA president has told Melanie that she can already tell that this one will be the best ever.

I've gone along on a couple of her donation-quests and she is absolutely professional and irresistible. Everyone wants to give her stuff. Cuz she is THAT awesome!

I love you, sweetheart! Hang in there!

kenny , the husband said...

Umm... "Jacobson Family" is ME, "Kenny, the Husband".

Oh, and BTW, I've been letting Melanie win at the DVR Freeze-Face game because I'm afraid that if I bring out my A game, my goofy faces will be permanently recording in her memory banks. And the next time I go to kiss her, she'll only see my goofy faces and not be able to bring herself to kiss me.

THAT would be horrible...

Emily said...

Why are you guys so fun? I'm going to try this tonight! :)

Heidi said...

What sweet comments from that Kenny guy, huh? Hey, the Victorians played the freeze game, only they would spontaneously freeze in "attitudes" that depicted famous people are characters from books and others would have to guess who they were trying to depict. The more brilliant the mind, the simpler the mental recreation (or so they say)

Lara Neves said...

Man. Really wishing I had DVR now. Maybe we can try it with a DVD instead. Sounds like a blast!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Your cool ranking totally just went up ten points.

Anonymous said...

That's not only fun, but also brilliant.

Heather of the EO said...

We don't have a DVR and now I'm very disappointed! I guess we can play this while watching DVD's though. Ryan is going to love it. You rock.

Jenna said...

That's awesome! Must try it tonight!

I've been lurking over here for the past while, because of the rave reviews my dear friend Luisa gives you and your writing. I'm having a great time!

Debbie said...

You are so fun! Every day I am sad that you are on the other side of the country from me.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

I love that idea. And look, that girl in Brazil is totally doing it.

Karen Mello Burton said...

What the heck did we do before DVRs? Watch commercials? How barbaric!

Nicole said...

I have enough dork in me.. I think I'll try it. My kids will sure get a kick out of it! Thanks for the idea! Sorry I've been a bag blog cousin lately. Just no time! I've read thru a lot of your posts and I'm entertained as always!! Love it! Miss you!

charrette said...

So hilarious! But if I play you, I might win. My face is pure rubber.

My favorite line?
"This is because they think we're grown ups and I don't want us to blow our cover."

Love it!
Love you!

earlfam said...

I was just thinking the other day how glad I am that Kenny married you. I thought it again when I read this post.

Tristi Pinkston said...

I just may have to try that some time ...

Melinda said...

I like you and your husband more and more everytime you write! Let's be best friends okay?!

wendy said...

OH I would sooooo RULE at this game as I am a Queen Dork - Geek, weirdo.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

OH MY GOSH... that is BRILLIANT!!!

I can't wait to play that with my husband! lol!