Monday, May 11, 2009

I Made People Eat Pie For Breakfast

I had just resigned myself to not posting today in light of all the stuff still left to do before Rock and Roll night on Friday. And then, out of the blue, my awesome husband sent me a little guest post today. Enjoy...

Most people in the office who have candy dishes, don't put them out until after lunch. I once inquired about this after not being able to satisfy a 10:15 AM Mini-Butterfingers craving.

"People shouldn't be eating candy in the morning," was the response I got.

My gut reaction was, "Who are you to regulate my candy addiction?!?! I mean, don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the afternoon candy and all. But as a contributing member to your replenishment/tip jar, I believe I deserve a little input into the candy disbursement procedures."

But I didn't say that.

Instead I brought the three quarters of a Key Lime Pie that was left over from Mother's Day, and put it in the break room on the "anything goes" 10:30 11:00 AM it was completely gone...and the disposable pie tin thrown away...and table completely cleaned up.

Though no one will admit it...everyones love pie and candy for breakfast.


Erin said...'s a strange day when I DON'T have a piece of candy or chocolate before 10:00 AM.

Unfortunately, I'm not kidding.

Kristina P. said...

I know I do! I'm sucking on some Jolly Ranchers right now!

Anonymous said...

Um...where does your husband work?

Just kidding! Great guest post, Hubby!!!

Luisa Perkins said...

Rock ON, Kenny. Pie makes excellent breakfast.

Lucky Charms are candy, right? So why not MnMs, or anything else? Silly people.

LisAway said...

How true is that! I know it's going to be a terrible day if I haven't had anything sweet by 9ish am. (because how do you be in a good mood without sugar pumping through your veins?)

Jami said...

Make it pumpkin and you don't even need to feel guilty!

Annette Lyon said...

That's a no-brainer. Duh. :)

earlfam said...

MMMMmmmmmmm.... pie for breakfast. My favorite!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I could eat pumpkin pie for all three meals!

Unknown said...

Yes. We do. And I've always had a serious problem with the junk food police. I mean, who of us DOESN'T do something they shouldn't before 10:30 a.m.? Goodness, given my multiple vices, I'm lucky if I haven't run over my neighbor's lawn, flipped off six drivers, and hollered profanities at my bathroom scale by 10:30. A piece of candy by then and nothing else? Call that a morning of miracles, folks!

p.s. I'm sending you all my spare karma for your gig this Friday. I'd say "You're welcome", but given the above confessions, I can't guarantee what kind of shape that karma'll be in...

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

It was Swedish Berries for me this morning...

I would rather have had pie.

Anonymous said...

I like cheesecake for breakfast.

Melinda said...

I love your husband, he's my kind of guy. I eat candy anytime I want, you can't tell me no just because it's before lunch--heck, it's what I'm having FOR lunch! haha

Josi said...

I have no doubt that in heaven, there will be key lime pie for breakfast, and cake, and mini-butterfingers. It is why I do not fear death.

Wonder Woman said...

I am not ashamed of the fact that I usually have popped a tootsie roll or two by 10:30 a.m.

And what a fantastic husband to do a guest post for you!!

Lara Neves said...

Which is exactly why I would send leftover pie to work with my husband. I would eat it all WELL before 10 am! :)

I love his post, and I love that he did it for you!

Good luck Friday!

* said...

fabulous post.

I freely admit that I regularly enjoy eating chocolate for breakfast, usually in the form of handfuls of big fat See's candy chocolate chips folded into breakfast waffles. I've completely ruined my children and now I'm out to ruin the world (hence, my blog title, "The chocolate chip waffle.")

When I wasn't a SAHM, I was the one sneaking into the staff break room and swiping handfuls of goodies, as often as possible. Now, my husband does it for me at his place of employment.

Cajoh said...

Whenever I bring Christmas cookies in I tend to give some to my immediate coworkers so that they can have some before I put them in the break room and they are gone before I leave the room.

Emily said...

Really, "smart" people like candy for breakfast.

You should load up on calories in the morning so you can work them off. It's much "smarter" to eat junk in the morning than in the afternoon or evening.

I just sayin'.

Aubrey said...

I brought a chocolate cake with orange cream cheese frosting in to work a couple of days ago and I asked everyone if they wanted me to put it in the fridge for a while. They just looked at me like I was stupid. It was gone by 9:30 am.

Dedee said...

Lol! It's the truth!

It's a good thing I don't like key-lime pie, or I'd have to come stalk your work.

Jessica G. said...

Almost completely unrelated: I had a slice of frozen key lime pie dipped in chocolate...I cannot tell you the many level of ecstasy that it induced.

Anonymous said...

I love finding out through the comments that I'm in great company with my morning sweet tooth.