Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A gift to me, from me.

The best thing I've done for myself lately is...

not the mani/pedi I got two weeks ago.

Or my my cool new red shoes.

Or even ignorning the kitchen mess to finish reading a book. Although that was pretty cool.


The best thing I've done lately is move my "Followers" box down on my blog so that I'm not reminded every day of how I stack up (or down) to everyone else. I don't notice when I lose a follower and each time I gain one and I figure it out, it's a happy surprise.

But the thing is...I have to go looking for those changes to even know that because it's not right in my face any more. Which means I more or less get to function in blissful ignorance, and I can't even tell you how much happier a place my blog is for me now that the box is out of sight and pretty much out of mind.

And sure, I could remove it completely, but...that's a whole 'nother post.

(That white space is for you, Eowyn).


LisAway said...

Those are all good gifts. I did exactly what you did a few months ago. First I moved it down and a month or so later I go rid of it completely. But I can still see that little number of followers on my dashboard when I go there, so it's not completely gone, but I stopped thinking about it when I first moved it down my sidebar like you have. Isn't it liberating somehow?

Debbie said...

I never go to my own blog so I don't see it! I'm an odd person.

Unknown said...

I did the same thing a few weeks ago, at your suggestion. You're right; it was a good move. I'm also posting less, and stopped following close to a dozen blogs that were well written and everything but just didn't do it for me. I'm trying to put a little sanity between me and blog world these days.

Kristina P. said...

How do you keep from looking at it when you log into your Dashboard? That's my problem. It's right there!

Lara Neves said...

Seems everyone is making changes to become a healthier blogger these days. I probably should follow suit.

Becky said...

I did that, too, and I'm loving it. Who knew a pesky little number could brighten or darken your day, huh? Oh, wait. Maybe I need to hide my scale as well.

Cajoh said...

I tend to not really visit my site unless I'm bookmarking it with delicious. I have noticed that my side-bar is getting very long and I probably should do something about it— who want's to scroll that far down anyway. I may just remove the "Other Blogs I follow" since I tend to not keep that up like I used to.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I removed my statcount a couple weeks ago. I have other ways to torment myself, after all.


Heather of the EO said...

Me too. (:

The Crash Test Dummy said...

That is such a good idea. I'm going to do that too. Thanks, girlfriend.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Kristina P. I want to know how many followers you have. Just tell us. Just tell us. I know you don't believe in it, but inquiring minds want to know.

And it's not as bad on you dashboard as it is on you front page.

Am I right, or am I right?

I used to try to figure out who wasn't following me anymore every time I'd lose a follower, but I'm over that now, which is nice.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Debbie, you are an odd person. How do you not go to your own blog. That's pretty impressive.

That Girl said...

*clap clap clap clap*

I read all your posts, but I don't know if I follow officially.

And I'm with Kristina on the Dashboard problem. Petition blogger, anyone?

charrette said...

So of course the first thing I do is scroll ALL THE WAY DOWN to look at your followers box, which I likely never paid attention to before! Ah,, the power of suggestion...(oops! That might be the title of my next post...)

I'm all for sanity in the blogosphere.

Heidi said...

Who knew something so superficial could be such a topic of heated debate (or, er, mixed emotions). It's a hot topic button, that's for sure!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I had a heated discussion with a friend tonight who said comments were pointless and trivial, and asked why I didn't just post about other bloggers that I thought were worth reading. I had to convince him that comments were great fun and that I don't have time to post about other blogs because my blog is about ME. Can I get a witness? Sorry, I got a little carried away thinking about your followers statement.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

How funny... I did that a couple of weeks also and it is LIBERATING... I hated worrying about it!

Dedee said...


I got my own white space.

Oh wait, I live in a white space.

I hate renting.

But white space is relaxing. . .

I don't even know what I'm saying any more.

White space is still beautiful.

(I just had the hardest time spelling beautiful. I had to resort to spell checker. Stupid fingers.)