Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Impending disaster

Dear Mind,

Please come back. I miss you.



P.S. If you see my cell phone, will you bring it back with you?


Cajoh said...

When you lose your mind— who finds it???

I sometimes wake up and sound like Tom Petty and always exclaim that he lost his voice and I found it.

Hope you find your cell phone soon. Perhaps you should get that great myPhone:… it always glows when you're near it and beckons you to pick it up…

Annette Lyon said...

You've been living my life lately, apparently.

Kristina P. said...

I'm so braindead right now, I have nothing witty to add.

Lara Neves said...

I so hear you.

Good luck finding your mind.

Becky said...

Oh, me too! It must be the spring weather. I always knew sunshine was bad for you. Now I have proof.

Debbie said...

I am convinced that late April and May are the worst times of year for parents. I am ready for summer.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

If I see your cell phone I'l bring it back with your mind, k.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You know those clapper things for keys where you clap your hands and they beep? I so need one for my brain . . .

Karen Mello Burton said...

LOL Good luck in the hunt.

Amber Lynae said...

LOL..... Bright side of brain loss - With out your mind she should be a few pounds lighter. (I know a lot of women want to lose weight, we just never suspect we will do so by losing our minds.)

I think your cell phone must have a rendezvous with all the electronics missing from my house. I am certain they have means of communicating.

nano*ink said...

I only lose my cell phone when it is on vibrate or out of juice...fortunately I still have it, but the mind is lost again.

Unknown said...

I'd check the couch cushions and George Clooney. I can usually count on my mind being in one of those places, and my cell phone the other.

And it is so gratifying to see how many of us are drooling into our collars right now. I for one can NOT wait for my brain to grow back.

Heidi said...

Sooooo, that's why my phone and my mind often go missing at the same time! You. Are. Brilliant!

Stephanie said...

Apparently your brain and mine eloped.

Dedee said...

Um, I'm pretty sure mine is with yours, so I can't help much.

charrette said...

It's probably hanging out somewhere with MY mind! (Which reminds did we spend HOURS together and manage to NOT PLAY BOGGLE? That is just WRONG.)

p.s. I lost my cell phone 3 times this week.