Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just wondering...

So I meant to blog about something else today, but then I got distracted by a question.

Why do overweight people who lose weight look older? Does dropping the fat deflate their wrinkles and make them look deeper? I guess in the end it's a good trade for being thin. Maybe?

But I was watching The Biggest Loser finale last night and I just got distracted by how the older contestants actually looked even older when the pounds came off.

Which I guess just goes to show that eating excessive amounts of chocolate keeps you looking young. I must look like I'm about 22, then. I knew eating all that chocolate meant I was doing something good for myself.


Luisa Perkins said...

This is documented: thin people look older sooner.

I'm trying to think up some pithy remark on that fact, but I've got nothin' this morning.

Anonymous said...

I have never noticed this before. Hm that kind of leaves me zero motivation to exercise.

Cajoh said...

Oh and my Dermatologist told me to avoid Chocolate when I had Acne as a teenager because it makes your face greasy. So… not only will it smooth out the wrinkles, it will give you a younger glow as well.

Unknown said...

Speaking as one who took *ahem* radical measures to lose weight a year ago, I can tell you that fat is weight's natural botox and boob job. It's so very, very sad.

Kristina P. said...

Fat in the face DOES make people look younger. That's why people in Hollywood sometimes get fat injections into their cheeks.

This is also why I look 23. No help needed.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, what language was my last comment in? "Fat is weight's...?" WTH??

Anyway, you get the drift. I should probably go shower before I attempt any further communication with others of my species.

Emily said...

I completely agree! I think all the extra skin is just sagging and then they look wrinkly . . .

I'm so rude.

Erin said...

I was reading what you were saying, but I got sidetracked when you said the word "chocolate".

Mmmm. Chocolate.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I noticed the exact same thing. Alas, I had the thought that I need to lose the weight while my skin still has some semblance of elasticity left. Last night was quite inspiring that way.

Lara Neves said...

Yep. Fat smooths everything out. So it's nice to have just enough, but not too much I guess. :)

Annette Lyon said...

That's exactly it. Sometimes fat can age you to a point but then you stay looking that age because your wrinkles are plumped out.

I know a woman who is probably 100 pounds overweight. At 40, she looked about 55. Twenty years later, she looks exactly the same--she's now about 60 and still looks 55. Sort of a timeless age she's stuck at thanks to her weight.

This is also why people are often surprised that I'm not the youngest sibling in my family. I've got a fatty face, while my little sister has no fat on her face at all, so she's already wrinkling. While I hate my cheeks, that is one perk--the fast keeps me from wrinkling. :)

Fiauna said...

Yep. A decrease in collagen in the skin due to age leaves the skin less able to spring back into shape after being stretched out. Blah, blah, blah. Snore. Oh, did someone say something about chocolate?

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

You know... I noticed that too. It's definitely saggy skin... makes a fat girl not want to get skinny that's for sure!!! :) lol

Debbie said...

So that explains why my thighs look practically infantile!

The other me said...

Over here in the UK we have a commercial for an anti wrinkle cream that boasts of 'plumping up your skin' to which I say very loudly, every time I see it " JUST HAVE a CAKE!" which is what I do, and is why I am fat, yet remarkably wrinkle free at 46. I lose weight, get wrinkles and baggy skin....look old and stay fat but smooth skinned, it's a quandry all right ( where's the cake?)

Heidi said...

It's a universal truth--once you get over a certain age, the thinner you are, the older you look. Our skin loses collagen as we age. Collage is what makes our skin look full and youthful. Fat is the only replacement we have for that--no collagen, no fat, no youth. I have to admit, I go back and forth on this issue. I'm going to sit down with a box of Dove ice cream snacks and get back to you . . .

jan said...

I noticed that last night with The Biggest Loser's winner, Helen. She had pretty deep wrinkles around her mouth that weren't there when she was heavy. Also, did you notice that when she raised her arms she still had that jiggly underarm thing women get? Seriously--she lost 140 pounds, had toned biceps and her arms still have that?? There is no justice. But there's plenty of chocolate...

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yeah, both winners creeped me out a bit last night. I was rooting for Tara too. That girl really earned it!

My grandmother was overweight until a few years before she died. She always had smooth, youthful skin. But once she did lose the weight her eyes seemed sunken in and she looked way older. So weird.

nano*ink said...

I will give up my diet this minute! Oh wait...I already am looking dang old. I would like to be thin some time.

Heather of the EO said...

My stomach is SOOOO young looking. Seriously. You should see it. Or no...

wendy said...

Well, It certainly has been one of my "fountain of youth" secrets. eat chocolate, rub your face with chocolate, and throw in some salt & vinegar chips and its a winna winna formula.

* said...

Yep, chocolate does a lot for you, including make you happy (tests have proven it!). I'm off to find some stashed Godiva myself...

charrette said...

I think this is the secret fear keeping me from losing weight. Which is worse? Looking old? Or looking fat-ish? I wish there were a happier choice.

Wonder Woman said...

I thought the same thing. Good for Jerry, but looks about 80 now. And Helen looks 60. (I was so mad she won. After sending her daughter home, she definitely didn't deserve it.)

Shellie said...

It's true!!! i couldn't belive how much older helen looked then her 40 something years.

Dedee said...

Yeah, I didn't think Helen looked so hot either, frankly. And I so didn't want her to win. I didn't care on the others, but I didn't want her to win.

Now you've got me thinking about chocolate!