Sunday, May 3, 2009

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! Except for the chicken dinner part.

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you're totally not going to believe this but...

My son picked a random number (eyes closed) out of a plastic Gladware tub and the winner of Aubrey Mace's book My Fairy Grandmother is...

NUMBER 19. Out of the actual entries who listed a castle, if I'm doing my counting right, that's...


Again! This is the third time she's won something. Now, I'm thrilled because she's a great blog friend but I worry it's just a mite suspcious to all you conspiracy theorists out there. However, I questioned my son closely because he does all the drawings. I haven't switched to the random number generator because he feels strongly that drawing winners for my blog is HIS job. And although I haven't done that many giveaways, Heather wins a lot. So like I said, I questioned James closely and he insists (adamantly) that he does not have a secret crush on her and that's NOT why he keeps picking her number. I think his exact words were, "I'm nine, Mom," which in his world view is sufficient explanation of why girls aren't that interesting. Especially grown up girls who comment on his mom's blog.

Anyway, James insisted I had to have a second place winner since he's picked Heather before, and so he drew again, this time pulling number....


That's Zina at My Imaginary Blog. And Zina, you get to pick between a roughly pound-ish sized serving of either homemade pecan praline fudge or homemade mint chocolate fudge.

You guys send me your addresses and I'll get your prizes out to you soon! Ish.


Heather of the EO said...


Did you know I'm secretly brain washing your kid?

Just checking.

BUT REALLY, PLEASE feel free to start ignoring my comments when you have a giveaway, I'll be none the wiser!

And also? I WIN! I WIN! I WIN! YIPEE, I WIN! (slinks away sheepishly)

Kristina P. said...

I am not above shanking Heather. Or Zina for that matter. I know she just had an adorable baby and all, but I will do it.

Debbie said...

If Heather wasn't like my very, very, very bestest BFF, I'd totally be irritated and think this was rigged. But, I am only happy for her.

Melinda said...

WHAT?! NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo! I SO wanted to win! DANG IT ALL!

Alright, I'm going to bed now, if you don't see me for awhile you'll know I've gone into a deep dark depression. Like our country.

Annette Lyon said...

That's it. Heather can't enter anymore. :D

Unknown said...

This is me. In a snit. Except I'm not 100% sure I even entered. No, wait, it was the "where would your castle be" one, huh? Yes! I totally entered! Cuzco, Peru, I said! Doesn't having the only South American castle count for ANYTHING any more??

Jami said...

Oh well, if it's Heather and Zina, I guess I can live with my loss. Congrats!

Jami said...

Did it have to be a real castle? Oops. I just put where I wanted my genie to put my castle after I make my wish.

Cajoh said...

So glad you don't go to some automated process. It gives someone work— even though it is not paid.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Heather & Zina!!! I'm green with envy!

Karen Mello Burton said...

It couldn't have happened to a nicer person! Congrats.

Anonymous said...

What! Wow! I never win anything! Except my cousin's sandwich-making contest when I was the only entrant, and my sister's contest to guess for what purpose what her husband was saving rotten oranges on their porch (to throw at neighbor cats who were scaring off the quail that used to nest in their yard.) And my prize for my sister's contest was homemade toffee, and I just finished the last piece a couple days ago.

Yippee! Even if I'm now very afraid of Kristina. (I should say even more afraid -- I was already afraid because of the Snuggie, but now it's worse since I know she's hiding weapons under there.)

Dedee said...

What!!! I thought I expressly told you to rig the pick in my favor?!?!?

Congrats to Heather! I love her so I'll forgive you for picking her again. :)

Aubrey said...

Heck, I would have entered if I had known there was fudge involved!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I think that sometimes people DO get what they deserve. It's the only explanation really. Yay Heather!

charrette said...

Hahaha! I think the UNIVERSE picked Heather of the EO because she is just plain GOOD!