Friday, June 26, 2009

We are Avante Garde.

Summer is a great time for children to do enrichment activities. Like this child. This child who is shifty-eyed and hiding his hands behind his back. Turns out, this child decided to take up . . .

ART. With a Sharpie. On each wooden step of the bunk bed ladder.
And the wall.
And the door.
And himself.
I don't think he's properly remorseful. Just irritatingly resourceful.


Hit 40 said...

Remorseful - Doubtful.

Becca said...

Ack - my kid 2 did that - ten years ago, and the marks are still on the bedposts (I don't paint) and the sheets. Probably still on the walls, too, but that was 4 moves ago...

Annette Lyon said...

One of my kids did a massive mural on the biggest wall of the house in crayon. Thanks to about 4 Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, I got it off.

Doubt that'll work with Sharpie, though.

What is it about kids that age?!

Karen Mello Burton said...

AHHhh, I don't know. He looks pretty sad about his choices. :)

Lara Neves said...

Why is it they always choose a Sharpie? Why can't they use their washable markers for such hijinks?

Emily said...

OH. MY. GOSH. I would FREAK OUT! What did you do? :)

CountessLaurie said...

After several sharpie incidents, I have apparently instilled a deep enough fear into my children. Yesterday, the three year old came screaming into the kitchen, "permanent marker, permanent marker" (although not pronounced quite right) and thrust a blue sharpie at me. Good luck with that :-)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Happy painting?

Kristina P. said...

Get some Magic Eraser!

Erin said...

Oh man, my ears would be spouting steam. I love that you could take pictures and not blow your fuse!

Good're gonna need it.

Luisa Perkins said...

At least it wasn't the cream silk-upholstered antique sofa you had idiotically borrowed from your architect-next door neighbor while waiting for your new living room set to arrive.

We'll never get *that* $1000 back....

Amber Lynae said...

You have heard Billy Cosby describe a conniption. Yeah I think my child might have seen me in a similar state. Afterwards I would realize it was an over reaction. But being assulted by such a scene would definite not be the high point of my day. So far I haven't encountered any sharpie art. I think you must have handled the situation quite well because he is still smiling in the pictures. Go you. You are definitely much more level headed than me.

Anonymous said...

WD-40 helps.

I had one dude run down the hallway with an orange permanant marker. Yeah. Suffice it to say, that kid is still alive and I'm just a little bit crazier.

Nette said...

Oh, I shouldn't laugh..but I've been there. And of course, he had to use a sharpie! ;o)

nano*ink said...

He is not a baby any more...he's a little boy...and dang cute too!!
Obviously an artist thanks to his faux mil....har...

Wonder Woman said...

That's a clever rhyme.

And a clever child. Wonder where he gets it... ;)

Heather of the EO said...



OH NO!!!!

Dedee said...

I shouldn't laugh. I really shouldn't. I've been there before. I've tried to clean sharpie. . .(have you tried WD-40?). I know how frustrating it is.

I'll just hide over here in the corner and snicker whilst I feel your pain.

Jami said...

So sorry. My number 6 has made my walls a scribbly nightmare. I can say that perfume does work pretty well on leather.

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser came through for you.

Henry's really into decorating our living spaces, too. He acts remorseful by saying "Sowwy, Mommy" in a sincere-sounding voice--and then goes right back to his art project.

Jessica G. said...

Hrmmmm...we have very similar steps on our bunkbed. It could be the latest trend in the preschooler world.

charrette said...

I actually got to feed my inner child when Jeff's mom remodeled their whole upstairs while we were dating. They let us draw with markers all over the wallpaper-stripped walls. There was a sort of primal joy to the experience that I'm sure Baby G has discovered too!