Friday, July 17, 2009

For Debbie, who said I can't take a bad picture...

Thank you for believing in me.
I'm the extra cute one on the left. (Without the beard).
The higher the hair, the closer to heaven.

Vacation mom chic.

It seemed only fair that if I posted glamour shots that you guys should get to see the truth, too.
The outcome from Wednesday's "voting" is that if you're a writer, you probably liked the top photo. The non-writers (a/k/a normal, well-adjusted people) picked the bottom picture.
I don't know what that means. Ultimately, my husband liked the bottom one too, so that's what I sent in.

As a follow up, I thought that I was repulsed by low fat mayo. Turns out, crop pants on men makes me just a tetch queasier. Note to the guy at the movie theater today: No. No, no, no, no, no. No.


Luisa Perkins said...

Low-fat mayo is indeed an abomination, but you may be right.

I think all these photos are great. Sorry.

Amber Lynae said...

You are a cutie... And very brace, I am not sure I'm ready to share some of my photos with the world. I have changed my vote again since yesterday, I think you should send your rocker babe picture from the school event.

Amber Lynae said...

That was supposed to be brave not brace. I really should edit before I post.

Debbie said...

OK. Everyone has to be wrong at least once in her life:)
However, ratio wise, I still put you in the top percentage of photogenic people! And I do wonder what that says about writers vs. the rest of us and why we liked certain photos.

Emily said...

Good choice on choosing the BOTTOM picture. :)

Becca said...

Ditto on Amber L (the second time) you are, indeed, a brave woman. Love, love, love the tall hair.

I think I shall post a rant on low-fat abominations vs. real food one day soon. You are such an inspiration.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Beautiful, or even photogenic, doesn't mean drop-dead gorgioso to me. It means pretty and interesting and individual and a sense of personal style, etc, etc, etc.... You got it!

Love the bangs comment. Maybe that is why I always wear mine swept flat across my forehead. I know where I'm not going...

LisAway said...

I love the family shot. We all have one (or more) quite like that, I'm pretty sure. How neat to see your parents in their younger years, too after the pictures you've shown here before.

Thanks for this. I think you should start a wave of people posting bad pictures of themselves. If I was blogging with any sort of regularity I would totally do it. (but probably wouldn't have to go back so far into archive to find plenty of them).

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I have pictures from my past that I actually shredded into pieces and burned. Teenagehood was not kind to me.

I think it says something about my patheticness that I love being lumped in with the "writers" group who loved number one.

* said...

Crop pants on men...funny. Was he also wearing pink flip flops? (Where I live -- Las Vegas -- people watching is a sport!)

Heidi said...

Crop pants on men are just wrong. Shudder!

Jami said...

I can't see the abominable picture. ;{

But you look cute even with your bangs to heaven, pretty even when your lips are all cattywompous.

Didn't I like the first one? That makes me a writer! Wahoo! Just wait until my mom hears.

Alyson | New England Living said...

What?! All I EVER buy for the men and boys in my life is cropped pants! They are awesome and oh-so-European! Ok, I'm kidding, but I really don't mind low-fat mayo.

I still think you look pretty dang good in your "normal" pictures.

April said...

I love crop pants on men! It gives me something to laugh at!

Dedee said...

low fat mayo. . .ew! There are some things that are worth the calories.

I love the old shots of you!

You really are beautiful.

Define crop pants for me--the fashion-non-ista, cuz I'm worried that my son has a pair and that I should be getting rid of them . . .

Sher said...

You are pretty even in your "bad" pictures! I hate low-fat anything. I figure that had to do some major processing to get it to be "low fat" so I say the real stuff is better for you!

Dedee said...

Oh, and I'm a little late but I am a writer type who bucked the trend. I liked number 2 better.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the low-fat mayo. =P

charrette said...

I just have to thank you with all my heart for posting the top two. I have probably only taken three good photos in my entire life. I'm always the one with a crooked smile, with my eyes shut, with a surprised look on my face...the most unphotogenic person I know. I'm grateful someone as gorgeous as you are has a few bad camera moments as well!