Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I read a really good book on vacation. Actually, I read 11 books on vacation. It was a great vacation.

Anyway, I really dug All the Stars in Heaven by Michele Paige Holmes. It's LDS fiction. Sort of. Neither of the main characters is Mormon and they don't become Mormon, which for various reasons, I find kind of cool. There's actually not much Mormon stuff at all, to tell you the truth. It's just a great, clean read. The story is suspenseful, moves fast, has great characters, intrigue, and romance. A kick butt book.

If you've got teenage daughters, they should check out Altared Plans by Rebecca Talley for some fun summer reading. It reminds me very much of ye olde BYU days. It's about a girl who gets dumped at the altar and swears off marriage. BUT. . . there are more cute guys than she can shake a stick at, and one especially who catches her and tempts her to change her anti-marriage stance. Also on book business, I had to get my author head shot done for my publisher. My fabulous sister-in-law is a professional photographer so we did a super glamorous photo shoot on Father's Day. What you do not see in these pictures are all the crazy kids running around four feet away and my husband, my brother, his girlfriend, and my in-laws all staring on in curiosity.

You should be very impressed that I kept a straight face. Well, in these two pictures. Pretty much not in the rest of them.

Anyway, the debate is raging. Um, not raging. More like, I like one picture and everyone else likes the other. So this is the question: which of these should stare at people in a rather startling manner when they open the back of my book?

If I had my druthers, I'd pick this picture. It's my favorite writer-y picture of myself because it's me, staring at a manuscript with my pen poised to strike.
In other news, I'd just like to say that low-fat mayonnaise is an abomination. Just sayin'.


Josi said...

I like the first picture--mostly because the way the shirt collar falls in the next one makes it look like you have a long twisty chin--which I happen to know you do not :-) Great photos though, I'm so excited for you! And I'm totally with you on the mayo! Full fat all the way, baby.

Debbie said...

I like the bottom one although you can't take a bad photo! You know that, right?

Anonymous said...

I like the second one more. Mainly because it is more of you and less of the stuff around/behind you. But either will be terrific, that is just my opinion.

LisAway said...

Oh, that's a hard one. I really like them both. Initially I liked the second one because it sort of shows more of you, )like you can see into your eyes or something) but I like the first one a lot, too. I actually sort of like what Laura mentioned, the stuff behind and around you. It looks nice. So I vote for both.

Actually I love number three, too.

Don said...

I vote for 1.

The hand under the chin (or cheek) thing seems to be a bit overdone. Not to mention that photo scene in Napoleon Dynamite...

Emily said...

HANDS DOWN, the SECOND PICTURE. The close up of you. The background is less distracting, the lighting is slightly better, and your expression overall is more pleasant and intriguing. The tighter crop also makes you seem more personable.

There you have it.

11 books? Must have been some vacation!

Kristina P. said...

I really like the first one. It's so casual and not at all Stephen King looking.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking numero uno. Although I read all of the previous comments, and scrolled up to see what they meant, and thought, "Oh, yeah, that's right." So I'm useless.

Jami said...

Oo! I like number one.

Also "more than she can shake a stick at" is one of my favorite phrases!

Wonder Woman said...

#2. Love it.

Love that first book you talked about, too. I read it a year or two ago and loved it. I also liked that it wasn't your typical LDS fiction.

Anonymous said...

I like the first picture best. I mean, you're a hottie in all of them, but I like #1 best. =]

I've been wanting to read Altarted Plans since I saw it a week or so ago. What other books did you read while on vacation?

Becky said...

I like the second, though both are fab.

P.S. I eat low-fat mayo, so you may not want to trust me on the picture advice. Just sayin'.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Definitely the first. You look cheerier in the second, but in the first you look like you KNOW things. Much more writerly, methinks.

Stephanie said...

I like the top one. You're welcome. Though you're lovely in all of them.

And p.s., I know this pales in comparison to your *real* writerly duties, but you won the haiku contest on my blog like a month ago and I keep waiting for you to come by and pretend your flattered. :)

Amber Lynae said...

I maynot have mentioned this but I'm VERY bad at making decisions. I started off likeing #2 but I really like #1. I'll vote for number one but don't ask me again in the next 15 minutes if you expect the answer to be the same...

BTW You are gorgeous.

Luisa Perkins said...

Oh, I can't choose; they're beautiful and capture you very well.

Linda said...

the one that's more of a close-up!!!!!!!!

Migillicutty said...

I like # 2. The background in #1 is kinda distracting. #3 would be REALLY good if you could see the pen and if you could not see so many people in the background. But I like #2 the best.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I like the second photo, but how could you ever go wrong? You are gorgeous!

I can't wait for the book!

Lara Neves said...

Low fat/fat free mayo is the worst possible thing you could ever put into your mouth.

I like the first picture...something about the way your hand is cut off at the wrist in the second bothers me, and my eye can't stop looking at your hand. The fist one I look at your face, which is how it should be. :)

April said...

I like #2 because your eyes are smiling and you look more relaxed in spite of all the commotion around you! At first it was #1 but the second one edged out!

Rebecca Talley said...

I like the first photo, though you won't go wrong if you choose the second one. You look beautiful in both.

And, thank you for the review. I appreciate it.

Lifeisapitch said...

number one....I can picture that picture on the inside of your book cover. Looks professional.

Marcia Mickelson said...

They're both great, but if I had to choose, I think I'd pick the first one.

charrette said...

I'll have to check out both of those books (one for me, and one for the princess.). I'm stunned you read 11 books on vacation -- I barely got through one (and felt like a total slug doing that much reading while everyone else was out swimming and stuff.)

I love both of those headshots. They're gorgeous. The graphic designer in me loves the second one (interesting angle and composition). As does the friend in me (more personality). But honestly, you can't possibly go wrong. They are both drop-dead gorgeous.

Becca said...

Okay, where was I yesterday? Oh, yeah - elsewhere. But I want to vote, too. I like the first one, with all kinds of artsy reasons (and maybe because I can imagine a baby in there, somewhere.)

Becca said...

Um, hi - and I sent you a blog award. I hope this isn't like chain letters! it's only because I think you're brilliant, you know. Come see.

Annette Lyon said...

I agree--Michele's book was awesome, and I part of the reason I liked it, oddly enough, was the fact that the main characters weren't LDS. Weird, huh?

And you should use your FB avatar as your author photo--it shows yours TEETH!

Aubrey said...

I like picture number two.

No, number one.

No, number two.

You're so lucky that you actually have choices. My sister takes three hundred pictures of me and we come up with maybe one where I don't look like I'm in front of the firing squad.

And you're right-- low-fat mayo should be should be pulled from the shelves. Immediately.

* said...

I like the top picture the most. You are beautiful!

Heidi said...

I vote for the first picture.