Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm coining a new phrase.

Stupid tired.

That's how tired I am. It's beyond exhaustion. I'm so tired it's making me dumb.

I have no idea why. I woke up yesterday morning after a good night's sleep and I was tired. I moved through the day feeling like I was underwater.

It might have been the heat. Beach people are used to about 80-85 degrees and a near constant breeze. Our homes aren't even built with air conditioning. On the rare days the mercury climbs higher than usual, our circuits fry. If the breeze isn't blowing, we twitch.

I don't know what's going on.

But whatever it is, I'm stupid tired.


LisAway said...

Oh, I'm stupid tired too, for sure. But I know WHY I am (and will be for maybe another year or more). Sorry you don't have such an explanation. (Which isn't to say I'm sorry you're not pregnant, but you know what I mean).

CountessLaurie said...

My first thought was "that's how i felt when i was first pregnant..."

Annette Lyon said...

THAT is what I've been all week!!! Now I have a word for it.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Heat always has that effect on me. I've been living in our basement the last week, and that's just to flee from temps of 80-85.

Hope you're not getting sick or anything though. =(

Kristina P. said...

Me too! I haven't been sleeping well since going back to work, and I am just exhausted.

Jami said...

Excellent phrase. Fits me right now.

Lara Neves said...

I hate stupid tired. I hope you get rid of it quickly.

The epitome of stupid tired is when you're sure that the is spelled thugh. Yes, that really happened. To me.

Becca said...

I frequently get stupid tired. And stupid antsy, stupid lazy, stupid angry and stupid-stupid. It's kinda all stupid, at that point.

Jenny P. said...

stupid tired is an excellent word. I made up a new one this week too. Happy Sad. Cause see, I'm happy for my friend that is moving cause it's a great job opportunity for her husband and she is excited and that is good, but sad because she is leaving and well, that is sad. Bitter sweet doesn't work, because it isn't bitter. It's happy sad. Or so I try to reason.

Really, it just makes me stupid tired to try and figure it all out.

Great blog. :)

Erin said...

I get stupid tired around 10:30 PM every night. Great description.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

I love that phrase. Stupid tired.I totally, totally know what you mean.

Wonder Woman said...

I'm stupid tired, too. Right now. I'm beginning to think I'm pregnant.


I've been stupid tired for... how old are my children? 10 years. Whew!


Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for a proper description like that!

Unknown said...

Yeah, doing the stupid tired thing over here, too. Desert people don't expect to have to deal with 105 degree temps AND humidity, but alas, it's raining all night and sauteeing us all day.

So, stupid tired it is. Well-smithed.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I was that way yesterday too. I also felt kind of like I had motion sickness. Ugh. I went to bed early and feel mounds better this morning. I looove beach weather. :)

Elder Ostergar said...

LOVE IT! I live in sutpid tired land.

April said...

I feel like I'm thinking underwater thoughts are coming at me in slow motion...does that make sense? Or like my thoughts have to come through a bowl of jello to get to the tip of my tongue. Raspberry jello to be exact.

Hope you get over your stupid tired.

Carolyn V. said...

I've been stupid tired all summer! I think it's the heat or the lack of sleep. I can't decide.

Jessica G. said...

I have a "flair" on my Facebook page that says "Can't brain today - I have the dumb."
I frequently have the dumb AND get stupid tired.

Cajoh said...

Mine is called "Gummy Eyed". You tend to get so tired that your eyes get all gummed up. Oh, I'm sure I have a lot of others, but none come to mind at the moment.

Thank you for sharing,