Saturday, August 8, 2009

A random Saturday post

That Girl broke some big news on her blog yesterday and as I looked at the little swell of her six-week pregnant tummy I thought, "Lucky girl. You look six weeks pregnant."

I seem to look three months pregnant all the time, no matter what. I have a thin-ish frame but carry a lot of weight in my belly so people, WOMEN, who should know better often ask me when I'm due. It happens at least a couple of times a month, no exaggeration. Neighbors, girls at church, sales ladies. It's ridiculous. I'm almost more embarrassed for them when I have to say, "I'm not pregnant. Just fat." It's never, EVER not awkward.

If you've met me and haven't noticed that little tummy pooch, it's because I know how to dress to disguise it. I just don't have the energy to do it ALL THE TIME, hence the comments I get.

My choice of summer attire doesn't help, either. I kind of live in a rotation of four LOFT summer knit dresses that I dubbed "the new muu-muu." They're comfy and a half step up from a house coat, so I'm good with them. Still, they're not, uh...slimming.

Witness Exhibit A. Maybe you saw this picture on LisAway's blog, or even mine.

We got to hang out for an afternoon when she was in town for her brother's wedding. It was great fun. But my point is that one of us is three months pregnant in this picture and IT'S NOT ME. There's no baby in THAT stomach. So I kind of don't mind when people assume I'm three months pregnant when I wear one of those dresses because that's more or less my fault.

I do mind if I'm wearing cute jeans and cute shirt. It's not fun being mistaken for three months pregnant, especially since I'm only two months pregnant.


Becca said...

Hey, those of us who start to show at conception have super-spidey senses about what's growing - even in other people's lady-parts. I'm just saying.

Annette Lyon said...

Whoa--way to slip that little announcement in at the end! Congrats!

Josi said...

Sneaky, Melonie, making me read the last line three times and then wonder if I'd missed something or had I forgotten I already knew it. Congratulations!

Erin said...

Congratulations! I saw the little comments in That Girl's comment box and I am feeling really happy for you and everyone else who is pregnant. Are you (morning) sick yet?

Kristina P. said...

Well, aren't you sneaky! Congrats! I am very excited for you!

Jami said...

Sneaky, sneaky. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratualations, Melanie!!! I'm so happy for you!

Alison Wonderland said...

I was going to give you a verbal fist bump but I see that's not allowed so I'll just go with, congrats!!

annie valentine said...

I knew it. Yay you! The entire world is pregnant and I'm still just having unsuccessful sex (depending on how you look at it).

Unknown said...

Wonderful! So happy for you!

(And I have had the experience of having someone ask me when my baby was due when I wasn't pregnant - exactly 10 times. Seven in English, three in Spanish. It sucked every single time.)

Wonder Woman said...

I knew it!!!!

Very clever, you are. And adorable. And I always look 3months pregnant, too. G's with Spandex help, as do gauchos and these great shirts I found at Ross that hide the tummy but somehow don't make me look fat.


Becky said...

Congratulations!! That's exciting news. And I loved the build up. :)


So happy for you, terrific post!


Karen Mello Burton said...

Awww :) Terrific!

TheOneTrueSue said...

Sly little announcement my friend... Congratulations again :>

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

So thrilled for you!

charrette said...

So it IS an announcement! Congratulations!

And can I just say...You are rail thin. I've had the pregnant question too...The worst one went like this (I wish I could do her voice and her accent -- you'd laugh twice as hard): "Oh, I see you are pregnant." "No, I'm actually not." "Oh, then you just had a big meal?" (kill me now)

CountessLaurie said...


InkMom said...

Shut up!

I feel like I started a party.

Well, maybe I didn't start it. But I sure will be glad when my little one is finally delivered in T-12 weeks and counting.

Congratulations. And sympathies. Because you REALLY deserve both!

Amateur Steph said...

Hooray! That was clever and funny. Congratulations.

April said...

You're glowing already! YEAH!!!! Congrats!

Baak Talk said...

How Fun!! You're gonna outgrow Melrose place in no time. There's a great 3,000 sq. foot place down the street from us for sale at 1/3 of H.B. prices. We make fab neighbors!!

LisAway said...

Aaaaaak! Congratulations! That's so exciting!! Now I have to wonder if you knew you were pregnant in that picture or not. You have to tell us how you're feeling and everything. Did you say you don't get morning sickness very bad? It seems like we talked about it a little (which makes me wonder even more if you knew then!! :)

And I'm definitely looking my five months now.

Anonymous said...

This happens to my sister a lot to. She is at the skinniest weight she has been since she started having kids and everything thinks she is pregnant and asks her!! Including her children, no joke. But it's in our genes to have a stomach pouch and losing weight just makes it that much more noticeable.

Stephanie said...

Woohoo! Congratulations. I never have this problem. If however it were humanly possible to carry a baby in your butt, I'm sure I would be asked this question on a daily basis.

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Congratulations! When is your due date? I'm 2 months prego as well. Due March 22. That is SO FAR AWAY!!

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

congratulations!! how wonderful for you!

Migillicutty said...

:) congratulations! :)

Aubrey said...

Can't wait to buy you a totally cute baby GIRL outfit. Come on-- you know you want one. ;)

Congratulations again!

Don said...

OK - reading it twice, I get it now. Sorry to be so slow. Congrats!

Beeswax said...

Me, too. Two months. It does seem to be going around. At least you already had the clothes for it. It it super depressing when you are too sick even for muu-muu shopping!

Nicole said...

YAY! Glad to hear the exciting news! Congratulations! Hope to see you this weekend!