Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Day

I just got my publishing contract in the mail from Covenant.



Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, MELANIE!!!! I am so happy for you!!

Shellie said...

thats so awesome!

Kristina P. said...

Yay Melanie!!

Erin said...

Wow, yay for you! I am so excited for you!

Tom said...


Stephanie said...

Hooray! That's great!

That Girl said...


Yup, that pretty much sums it up.

Don said...

WooHoo! Happy Day indeed!

Unknown said...

I am currently raising the roof on your behalf. Really. My son is getting a tan on his bed as we speak. That's how raised the roof is!

Migillicutty said...

Cool. Someday I will have one, too.


Jami said...

Yay! Hip-hip hurray! So happy for you.

Aubrey said...

Time to break out the chocolate!

Congrats again-- so thrilled for you. Can't wait until I have an actual copy to put on my shelf.

Luisa Perkins said...

AWESOME! Congrats all over again. Way to go, gal.

Carolyn V. said...

Whoo hoo hoo!!! Congrats!!!! =)

Karen Mello Burton said...

So cool!

Jenny P. said...

Yay!! So happy for you, and hoping to have similar news one day. :)

charrette said...

Wonderful news! So happy for you!

wendy said...

Well ---that is totally cool!!!

The only contract I'll ever get is the ones people "put out on ME"

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I can't even imagine. I really can't - but only because that's so splendiferously fabulous my imagination can't keep up. Wheeeeee!

* said...

Party like a rock star! Write that day down in history in your diary! Woot!!

Heather of the EO said...

WOOOOO HOOOOOO'in with you :)

Emily said...

YAY! How exciting!

Debbie said...

That is so exciting! And you deserve it.

Cajoh said...

Congratulations. Can't wait to see what gets published.

Anonymous said...


Amber Lynae said...

Ok I know I'm super late with this. but HOW EXCITING. Congrats.