Monday, February 15, 2010

Choosy moms choose . . .

If I were a smarter and more creative woman, I'd make one of those little Cosmo quizzes where you could pick house options out multiple-choice style and then add up your total answers at the end and I'd tell you your personality type and we'd have great fun.

It would be something like this:

In a kitchen, the most important feature is:
     A. Tuscan style cabinetry with crackle glazing that can only be touched with gloved fingers
     B. White appliances, since they show the least amount of toddler fingerprints
     C. A fridge big enough to hold all the amazingly talented art work your above average children spew produce daily
     D. A locking cabinet high up that keeps your kids out of your chocolate stash
     E. A full-time cook

It would be kind of a hard quiz because every answer would CLEARLY be a tie between "D" and "E". Actually, let's try another one:

The most important room in a home is:
     A. The formal living room with down lighting to illuminate the objets d'arts you've accumulated in your world travels
     B. A play room not in direct line of sight of the front door so the chaos is hidden while you chat your home teachers up on the doorstep and leave them wondering why they weren't invited in.
     C. A conservatory/library/study where your children can practice their instrument/pre-Kindergarten SAT flashcards/encyclopedia reading skills
     D. The garage where you can send your husband to putter when he's "helping" by playing with the kids until every last one of them loses all volume modulation and sense of boundary
     E. Your own bedroom. The husband can share with the kids.

But I'm not that creative or clever, so I'll tell you in simple, straightforward terms what we're looking for: 2000+ square feet, a decent sized back yard, 4 bedrooms, a kitchen with decent storage, an open floor plan, and in general, minimal termite damage. And yes, it's HARD to find that in the city we've decided on. So wish us luck. I couldn't care less about the size of the master bedroom, whether the garage is 2 or 3 cars, I HATE formal living rooms and dining rooms, and proximity to the grocery store is a bonus but not a requirement.

So here we go . . . another week, another dozen houses to go through.


Susan said...

Where do you want to move? My in-laws live in LaVerne (that's near Rancho Cucamonga in case you didn't know) and have a house that fits your description that they need to sell. :) But they've been talking about selling for the last ten years so...
We'll be house hunting soon too. I feel your pain.
Good luck!

Heather of the EO said...

Having just done this selling/buying thing, I do not envy you. BUT, I do believe it will all work out for you.

Also, I think you were on a roll with your quiz.

Becca said...

More quiz questions, please. You are SO clever enough to work that.

And hey - don't knock the conservatory. It doubles as a room to stash the sixteen loads of laundry you haven't yet folded.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Most of the time I really love my house, but a change sounds good every now and then. Good luck in the hunt.

Carolyn V. said...

My house is just a bit bigger than 2000 and it is the perfect size. I really love it (even though it needs a face uplift). I hope you find one that is just perfect for your family! Good luck w/ the search. =)

Becky said...

Good luck with the house search. We've been in ours just under seven months and there are at least a handful of things I already want to change.

Maybe I'll have my dream home by the time I'm 80.

Kristina P. said...

Ooooh, go on House Hunters! I love that show! Then I can judge you!

Migillicutty said...

Wha? Where are you moving to???

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I love house hunting. I was highly annoyed that we had to buy in the wintertime and that there were only three houses on the market in our price range and location. Maybe just as well, otherwise I would have kept on hunting just for the pure joy of it.

Hope something that "fits" turns up soon!

Amber said...

I will keep your quiz in mind whenever we begin looking for a house. Since that is like 10 years away, I will have lots of time to expand your little quiz.

Happy house hunting!

Tricia said...

I love house hunting. But the thought of selling a house and physically moving has kept us in the same house for 14 years (which is too long to stay in the same place, by the way). Maybe if I'd had your quiz...

Good luck on the house hunt.

Unknown said...

I know of several houses just like the one you describe, right here in jolly old Las Vegas. Please tell me you're not moving to Texas. Please just say that.

Debbie said...

Some of the things we swore we had to have when we moved here, we still don't have! It's always funny what we cave on. I hope you find just what you want.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

if you want a house in Springville, Utah, we've got one that fits the bill nicely...

Amber Lynae said...

Becca made a great point about having a conservatory to hide laundry that would be very handy. And I think Kristina P must really like you if she is holding off judgment until you are on house hunters. I was house hunting for two years before we found something. (of course there were months in there where I just gave up the search. But I wish you a short and successful homesearch.

Stephanie said...

For our last move, since I had two potty trainers and one more on the move, my main requirement was: I want a master bathroom. I couldn't believe how hard it was to find (in our price range). If I could do it all again, I would have added a laundry room that's not in an arctic basement to my list. All the rest is tolerable. Good luck.

Don said...

That sounds just like our house! You should come to Texas, where such homes are common and affordable. And then we could do signings together at Moon's Bookstore there by the Dallas temple.

But if you chose to stick with your California Dreaming, I will be unable to find fault. Good luck in the hunt!

(And you're welcome to do signings with me at Moon's no matter what.)

* said...

D! I vote for D! My space to stash chocolate seems to be slowly diminishing. That, or my chocolate stash is growing...

wendy said...

I imagine trying to fine the perfect house is stressful and a BIG deal. hang in there. you'll find it. And it will be wonderful once you start putting your magic touches into it.

2000 sq. feet. Mine is 950 sq ft.
4 bedrooms--we have one
one bathroom
No family room or formal dining room for us
no close proximity to a grocer store either

But it is still OUR home and a home of love.

Oh yeah, I have some different definite requirements for my next house.

Karen M. Peterson said...

Eesh. I don't envy you!

I think I'll stick with renting for another year or two or ten.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! We looked for 6 months and toured at least 50 houses so . . . don't do it that way. At least you're not picky about a lot of your requirements.

Dedee said...

Okay, that post just made me laugh my head off! I want more quiz questions too!

Good luck on the house hunt. I hate finding new places to live.