Monday, February 8, 2010

A giveaway, with love from me to you.

Know what I love?

My husband. My kids. A really good book.

I have a really good book for you. Possibly. I mean, possibly I have it for you. There's no question it's a good book. You're going to want to win it. And you can. We'll get to that. Just check out the cover. I bet I won't even have to tell you anything about it and you'll want to read it. I left it out the other night and my babysitter finished half of it by the time we got home. Here it is:

I know. Cute!

I loved this book and so just in time for Valentine's Day, I'm giving it away as part of a "Things I Love" giveaway! Yay!

Becca Wilhite, the author, is a friend of mine, and she gave me the copy to give away but that doesn't matter because I'll tell you the same thing I told her before I read it: You don't have to send me a copy. I'm going to buy one anyway.

Now I'll tell you what I told her after I read it: This book is a delight. It's utterly charming. It's fresh and fun and soooo relatable. It's funny and engrossing and I read it all in one night. You will love it; your teenage daughters will love it. Your girlfriends will love it. And it's only $8.99 on Amazon right now.


You can get it for free. I'll choose a lucky winner on Friday to receive a brand new copy of Becca's book My Ridiculous Romantic Obsessions along with some ridiculously expensive and totally decadent Barcelona chocolate that is insanely good. I'm not even going to tell you about it except to say it is flip-your-eyeballs-back delicious!

It's easy to enter. Here's the thing: I'd love to be cynical about Valentine's Day. I know it's a greeting card holiday fueled by the evil retail brain trust. But I still love it like I love all holidays. Even Arbor Day. Or Flag Day. I throw a killer Flag Day party.

So all you have to do to enter is make a confession in the comment box and this is the confession I want: what's the one cheesy love song you generally won't admit listening to in public?

Mine: Groovy Kind of Love (Phil Collins) and Broken Road (Rascal Flatts). But I love them.

Okay, fess up to your favorite cheesy love schmaltz song confection and you're entered. Contest closes midnight on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

I was totally going to say Broken Road by Rascall Flats! Okay, another love song I love to listen to: "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. I totally get all weepy at the end. Every time. (Another one by her, "Our Song.")

I haven't read RRO yet but I can tell you that I LOVE Becca's books. She has this unbelievable skill to reach into the deepest part of my heart and pull it to the surface. That's no small feat. I'm a tough shell to crack (even more so in fiction) and I still get teary eyed about Bright Blue Miracle. She's a master. Really.

*MARY* said...

"I Got You Babe" by Sonny and Cher.

Susan said...

Anything Taylor Swift. But I would admit to it because that's how I am. Not only would I admit to it, I would be singing along. I don't embarrass easily.

evitafjord said...

Groovy Kind of Love was one of the songs that I would listen to over and over and over again when I was a teen (also, Another Day in Paradise). Made a mix tape that was just that song over and over and over again. Also, The Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh and I Won't Hold You Back Now by Toto. I also love Somebody by Depeche Mode, but I'm not embarassed about that.

Brooke said...

Forever tonight by Peter Cetera. Really want to sing with it when it comes on, but just can't seem to bring myself to unless I'm alone.

Tricia said...

"All Out of Love" by Air Supply. I'm not sure anybody is supposed to admit to liking Air Supply.

But my favorite love song of all time: "Your Wildest Dreams" by Moody Blues. Best song ever.

janabananagirl said...

"Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Bublé

I know, I know. Not an embarrassing song as far as love songs go. The embarrassment comes in the number of times I've listened to the song. I just checked the play count on my iPod for that song and it was 894. Since September 2009.

Oops, make that 895.

Erin said...

Is "Womanizer" a cheesy love song?

Just kidding.

Definitely old school Chicago - You're the Inspiration, Will You Still Love Me?

Ducking my head under the covers now...

My word ver is "gazingas." Wow, talk about inappropriate.

Sarah M Eden said...

Okay. The song, itself, isn't embarrassing or even really that cheesy. The thing that makes this confession qualify is that when this song comes on the radio in the car, both my kids (before the first bar has played) slouch in their seats and cover their faces in the off chance that someone they know might see them. I sing along with this song very, very loudly and with feeling--ya know what I mean. There are dance moves involved (which is difficult to do while sitting and operating a motor vehicle). When I am particularly tired, there can be tears.

"The Man Who Can't Be Moved" by The Script (or, as I like to call them, My Boys From Ireland)

Mary E Campbell said...

I read Wilhite's book Bright Blue Miracle for the cover alone and this cover is awesome too. Let's see sappy love song - I'm Forever Yours by Journey - I think that's the title. Also I love Warm Ways by Fleetwood Mac - my hubby used to sing it to me.

Kristina P. said...

"On the Wings of Love." Darn you, Bachelor!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Becca is even sweeter than the chocolate you have on offer. Seriously. When I was on bed rest and bored out of my skull she emailed me a copy of the manuscript so I'd have something new to read. I stayed up till 1am to finish it because I couldn't go to bed without knowing what happened! I laughed out loud (which freaked my parents out a bit, let me tell you) and even cried at one point. Becca's ability to combine humour with vividly genuine characters just amazes me!

I still want a copy I can hold in my hands though, so I'll admit to getting teary over "It's Friday, I'm in Love." I'm weird like that.

Carolyn V. said...

I love Becca! She is so cool.

Okay a cheesy love song? I've been thinking about it all morning. Hum...Bruises by Chairlift. I like that song. A little cheesy though.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I actually still love the song "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion.

I am so ashamed.

That sounds like a really fun book! I'll almost definitely be buying it if I don't win.

amber_mtmc said...

"I Finally Found Someone" by Barbara Streisand and Bryan Adams. Oh, thinking about it makes me cry.

Aubrey said...

I'm going to have to go with Erin and say Chicago. I played my Chicago cassette tapes to death. My favorite was 'You're the Inspiration' and my sister has this really embarrassing story she likes to tell about how I'd sing along and she wanted to sing with me, but I wouldn't let her sing the melody. If she wanted to sing, she had to sing the back-up part. Apparently, I was bossy like that.

Melinda said...

Dude, why would anyone be ashamed of Chicago?!

My cheesy embarassing love song is "Total Eclipse of the Heart" hahahaha its so bad but I love it!

Happy Mom said...

Mines Still by Kenny Rogers (and I don't even like him!)

Migillicutty said...

Ya, I love Taylor Swift. She's almost the only thing on my (brand new) iPod,
and she's my favorite! I like 'Love Story' the best, and I would totally sing along with Susan. :)

Dedee said...

Groovy kind of love is cheesy? Then that's mine. That and Lady in Red. And Chicago. And Somebody.

I'll just echo everyone else's songs. I like music waaay too much.

(Maybe I should admit to knowing all the words of Love Shack?)

Wonder Woman said...

Celine Dion's "Power of Love." I get a total high out of belting that song out. Especially when I can do motions and embarrass my husband.

chick lit and chocolate are worth any confession.

Erin Macceo said...

My Heart Will Go On and It's All Comming Back To Me Now by Celine Dion. I can totally get into those to songs...only by myself however. Much to embarrassing to admit or show to anyone else.

Jami said...

My Funny Valentine

Jami said...

Also I have everything Air Supply ever sang committed to memory due to a soppy HS relationship breakup. I generally don't admit to that. Would you?

Silly Teacher said...

Hmm truly ashamed to admit I like....that's a tough one for I am ashamed of none of my likes! :) Just let's see...Ain't Nobody by Chaka Khan and Rufus.

Elder Ostergar said...

I am sorry to say I am not ashamed of my music choices, but I will admit that I like wild and sexy songs like "Wild Thing", by the Toggs. And I know Erica and I would love the book. I will buy it for Erica's friend this weekend as a birthday gift. Love ya!

Becca said...

Know what song I love that makes my kids embarrassed? Babe by Styxx. It makes them cringe. I, however, have no cringe-gene. They got that from their dad. (His music, now that makes me cringe.)

Andrew & Sarah Clawson said...

My favorite love song of all time- "Everything I do, I do it for you" by Byran Adams. My husband rolls his eyes when I sing outloud- and you know, my deaf voice! So, I rock it when I'm alone in the car! I love the acoustics of my car! LOL!

crissy // mama boss said...

Can't get enough of your love (Barry White) the only problem is, it's my ringtone for the husb. and he sometimes calls me when I'm out, so I turn beet red while I'm trying to hurry and answer my phone before too many people hear.
Also, You'll never find another love like mine (Lou Rawls) (fell in love with this song after watching Ice Age 3.)

ikkinlala said...

I generally don't listen to songs I won't admit to liking, but one of the cheesier ones I like is Paul Brant's version of "On the Inside."

Mary said...

Anything by Barry Manilow but especially Nights in New England.


Mrs. Nellett said...

Okay, my total favorite is "I can't help falling in love" by, hold on, UB40. Yes, you can judge me. My runners up are "When I see you smile" by Bad English and "To be with you" by Mr. Big.

Thanks for inspiring a new playlist:)

scottsgal said...

I love Kenny Chesney's song Me & You, so romantic
thanks for the chance
msboatgal at

wendy said...

What a great give away. And to think you are friends with the author. Awesome, but HEY, you are an author yourself.

What is MY cheesy love song
LOVE IA ALL AROUND - the original by The Troggs
It is me and Mr. Gorgeous's song from when we first started dating when I was 17.
I had it played at our wedding, hmmhmm, yes I did.

Best song Ev-ah. Pass the cheese please.

So, IF I win, and since I live in another country, and to save you postage and all that hassle. You can mail it to my daughter Emma (who is on my blog list)

So what do ya say, CAN I WIN.

* said...

Sweet giveaway! I've seen Becca's book on various blogs & would love to get my hands on it!

One cheesy love song? How about "Longest time" by Billy Joel.

While with my teenage nephew the other day, he confessed, "Yeah, I like really old music. Like Billy Joel."

Instant dinosaur for me.

* said...

PS: Chocolate that is flip-your-eyeballs-back delicious? I'm so there. (Where do you find Barcelona chocolate? Online? In a specialty shop? Do tell!)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Neil Diamond's Hello. It is so bad it's good.

Bani said...

Kiss From A Rose by Seal is mine. On the bright side it has a pretty interesting arrangement and style, sticky sweet lyrics aside.

wakeupangel at gmail dot com

Linda said...

Neal McCoy; Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye! Yes it is a country song but, don't tell anyone I like it!

Nickolay said...

Neil Diamond - Forever in Blue Jeans. Neil is the man though!


Baak Talk said...

"You've Lost That Loving Feeling." ~ Righteous Brothers....
I know, I know, doesn't sound very love songish but doesn't it just break your heart they way he's aching for her and make you wonder how she could have lost it for him?!
(That and I LOVE that seen from Top Gun; Seriously, wouldn't you like to have an approach like that?)

Stephanie Faris said...

I Knew I Loved You by Savage Garden. And, interestingly, when my fiance listened to a CD of possible songs for our wedding, he picked that one. I was STUNNED. I tried to explain to him that that was a cheeseball song I just threw on there, but he liked it.

Amanda S. said...

I'll Be Loving You Forever by New Kids on the Block. It was actually my ringtone for a long time, but I got tired of the teasing, lol.

Brittany said...

I would always admit in public to liking "Broken Road." It's a favorite. One that I don't usually share in public: "Never Saw Blue Like That."

Brooke said...

Actually I would say Storybook Love... People just don't understand but that is the best movie EVER and I love the song lol
weeshenanigans (at) gmail (dot) com