Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hello, mellow.

Clarification: I'll still be posting. Just not so . . .longly. (See? I'm already struggling to come up with real words. We don't need pages-long posts from me at this stage in the pregnancy. We also don't need 8000 posts on my pregnancy which is pretty much all that's on my mind.)

I am looking at a living room that is in the very vortex where chaos and panic intersect. It's drowning in pink tulle and daisy spangled rompers with a dash of whatever food Grant threw down from his high chair when he was done. 

I'm trying to reorganize all the lovely bags of goodies people gave us for baby Eden into categories and piles that make sense, but preparing for a little girl is definitely different than getting ready for a boy. There's pink. SO much pink. I kind of love it, but it's foreign.

Anyway, in light of the billion details that still need tending to before this baby girl gets here (washing car seat covers and bouncy chair cushions and piles and PILES of new clothes), I think I'm not going to knock myself out over any blog posts if they aren't just coming to me magically. Today, one is not.

Life is good and full. At the moment, I'm just living in it and enjoying it and going with it--but not so much thinking about it. This is an excellent way to live, for me, but it's not so good for blogging since I recently pointed out that I'm a slice of brain blogger and lately I'm not thinking about much. When I get to thinking, I get to writing. Mainly, I'm just chillaxin' (as Crash might say). 

I'll be commenting as much as ever at your blogs, but unless something (or someone) really ticks me off or amuses me over the next while, I may not have much more to say than, "Hi. Still here. Mkay. Catch you later."

And here's how I know I've grown as a blogger: I realize that that's totally okay.


Kristina P. said...

I still love and heart you.

That sounded lame.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Your posts are often a bright spot in my day so I'll miss that, but I so get this. And I love that realization that daily posting isn't obligatory...that the readers worth having are the ones who stick around no matter what. They're the ones who aren't so much readers anymore as they are friends.

Carolyn V. said...

Woo hoo! It's so exciting that you almost have a little girl there! My neighbor just had her baby 5 weeks early. She is so adorable, but reminded me how much work it is to have a newborn.

Take it easy and good luck with everything! =) (Just keep us posted from time to time...I'm so excited for you!)

Unknown said...

I do not support this decision at ALL. When will all of you realize, everything is about ME, ME, ME???

And yes, the girl thing is so fun. Embrace the pink, be one with the pink.

Oh, and as you know, I only post maybe once or twice a week. And I'm not even pregnant. So I suppose I can support...

...nope. I want to hear from you all the time. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had the pleasure of having a little girl but I'm witnessing it through my lil' sister right now. It's wild how different it is! Good luck!

I'm glad to see you, always, but I understand. (And I second Kim's comment.)

Karen M. Peterson said...

Baby girls are so much fun! I'm excited for you.

And thanks for sparing us the dozens of pregnancy posts. I'm happy for my preggo friends, but that doesn't mean I want to hear about it every single day.


Anonymous said...

You should have a guest blogger. Maybe Kenny can tell us how he experiences pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe James could'd be interesting to see what he comes up with.

Valerie said...

Although pregnant, very pregnant, you have still produced some great posts! Were it me, my blog would read like this: I'm fat. I'm uncomfortable. I'm fat...
So thanks!

Karen Mello Burton said...

That is so okay. And btw, my maiden name is Mello. :)

wendy said...

Chillax'in....that's a good saying.

take a breath, prepare for Eden......
and be "mellow"

and hopefully I haven't pissed you off at any time.

LisAway said...

Pink baby clothes make lovely living room decorations. Chillaxin' is the only thing a woman in your state should be forced to do. In my opinion. (do you like the Victorian feel of that reference to your pregnancy? Talking about your condition and all that. It will soon be time for your confinement!)

amber_mtmc said...

You are lovely. That's all I wanted to say.

InkMom said...

Oh, the pink!

I swore I wouldn't. But I do. She wears pink. A lot.

Enjoy it, my friend. Enjoy every blessed non-testosterone permeated bit of her.

(Can you tell I was a little over-boyed before Miscellany was born?)

Debbie said...

It is OK. I can't imagine blogging and being about to give birth. I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it.

Cajoh said...

Do hope that life is treating you well and that you are prepared for your new arrival.

Hi. Still here. Mkay. Catch you later.