Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm a girly girl. I like spa days and makeovers and lip gloss. But I've had way less time for these things since Grant came along two years ago and I think my time for pampering decreases proportionately with each new kid I have. I'm due in three weeks and my other two have both been early, so I decided it was time to do some pampering so I'd be ready to welcome Baby Eden.

Thursday, I got a manicure and pedicure. I picked a color for my toes that I wouldn't mind staring at in the stirrups for a couple of hours. See? Even when I'm being self-indulgent, I'm practical. 

I got my hair darkened because (1) I don't have to worry about roots growing out and (2) it looks better on me.

So, James was two weeks early. Grant was five weeks early. Tomorrow I'll be at 37 weeks and this how big Eden is:

Anyone think I'm making it to 40? Let's have a contest: Whoever picks the right date wins a prize. I don't know what yet, but probably a book. All right, here are the rules: Anyone who puts their guess in today or tomorrow is eligible. Closest to the right day wins. My actual due date is March 23. Kenny says she's coming Thursday. Happy guessing!

 Anyway, besides being as cute as I can so I can meet my daughter (and also because I won't have time to do any of this again for another six months), my mother-in-law and aunts threw me a Super Rad baby shower yesterday and this little girl is ready to go.

Seriously, they made a bear cake:
I can't believe I don't have more pictures of the incredibly cute decor and food my family made. So cute! 

And a cool hair ribbon holder that matches Eden's cute bedding:
And lots and lots of cute clothes. My husband is a little worried it's too much but he sort of forgot that you have to change the baby's clothes three times a day (at least) due to copious vomiting. Then he looked at everything and said, "Oh, yeah. That should be about right."

Come on, Baby Eden. It's play time!!!


Happy Mom said...

I'm guessing March 11th.

I'd comment on all the cute pictures, but for some reason they wouldn't load today (whimper).

Susan said...

I'm guessing March 12th cause that's my birthday. You'll use the ribbon holder a ton. We have one and use the ribbons every day. Cute toes! Good luck.

Jenny P. said...

March 7th. That's my guess.

I have six weeks left. Well, six weeks and four days. Because I AM counting. And oh, how the days are going by slowly. And since I gestate like an elephant, I will absolutely not be going early. I don't know. Maybe nature will surprise me. But I'm not counting on it. I hope it surprises you though and you don't have to wait too much longer!

Great pictures too... you are adorable in your pregnantness...

LisAway said...

I'm guessing March 21st. Not that I hope you have to wait that long, but I think babies like to surprise us when they come. And you're supposed to change their clothes when they spit up? Oh.

Cute cake and stuff! Excited for you, lady!

Heidi said...

Sheez, will I never catch up? A girl!?!?! yay! How fun. And a hair ribbon organizer--what a neato thing to have! Here's hoping your daughter won't be like mine and will not pull out every bit of frippery and satin and lace one puts near her head. With all the nesting type details you have described, I am voting that you go into labor sometime in the next 24 hours. Good luck!

KA said...

How about March 8?

Amateur Steph said...

Your hair and nails look terrific. I'm going for March 13th.

Alison Wonderland said...

She will be darling, just like her mom.

March 3rd

Kristina P. said...

You look adorable!

March 6th.

Karen Mello Burton said...

My guess is March 19th. You look adorable in your pink and your cuteness!

Tricia said...

Not to bring you down or anything, but I'm guessing March 25. Because all three of my boys (my first three babies) were early, but my two girls were late. My husband always joked that the girls took longer because they were still doing their hair. Which was really funny, because all 5 of my kids were born bald.

Andrew & Sarah Clawson said...

My guess is March 9th! (that's my daughter's b-day!) You look so beautiful Melanie! Love that dress on you with the cute yellow shoes and head band! You should be on the front cover of a prego magazine! Good Luck!

Becca said...

When she's born March 15th, she'll be 36 and 1/2 years younger than me, exactly. So the 15th it should be.

Dedee said...

Let's see--I'll take March 14, cuz it's not already taken.

You are a cute pregnant girl.

Hope she comes soon!

Annette Lyon said...

I'll go with the 10th--mostly because my first three choices were already taken.

I''m horribly jealous, though. I always went late. Every day past that due date feels like an extra month. I used to collapse on my husband's chest and wail, "Get it OUT of me!!!!"

TheOneTrueSue said...

HA HA! I guessed the name right! (You know, way way way back when we all guessed the baby's name. Um. Possibly I need to find better ways to occupy my time.)

March 17th. And you look adorable.

Chantele Sedgwick said...

I'm due the 22nd, and I will guess she will come on the 10th of March.:) I'm hoping my little girl comes early as well! I'm so done being pregnant this time around! It gets more painful every time! Good luck! Maybe we will have our kiddos on the same day!!:)

Chris said...

Oh, that is all just so wonderful! I am so very happy for you and your dear family!

I am going to say you will be on time!! :) March 23. Besides, "Tuesday's child is full of grace," and March 23 is a Tuesday. :)

Lara Neves said...

I was going to say the 11th, since that is my daughter's birthday, but someone else already did. So...I'll go with the 13th.

You are adorable. Those yellow shoes would make me awfully happy, too!

Elder Ostergar said...

First day of spring-March 20th. That also happens to be my birthday, Gwen and Noah are the 22 and Lily the 25. Busy month. At least little Eden will be a pisces like me, unless you go over. You lookk fabulous. Good Luck and I wish I could have been at your shower.

jean said...

I am guessing March 17. Saint Patrick's Day.

Unknown said...

I'm going to say March 14 even though someone else has said it already. It's our 25th anniversary so I have to think that will be a lucky day for you, too!

(Maybe I can take the "midnight to noon" guess and Dedee can have the "noon to midnight" guess!)

And sexy toes, sister! Plus, you are such a cute pregnant lady!

Emily said...

I'm guessing March 21st... because that's how long my third pregnancy went based on my dates... even though the first two had been earlier. :)

Don said...

All the best people celebrate their birthday on the 10th, so I'm sure that's when she'll come.

Valerie said...

March 16th- because my choices are narrowing and no woman wants to hear she will go beyond her due date. That's worse than looking at chipped polish while in the stirrups. Close, but still worse.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I can't believe how close you are!

I vote for St. Patrick's Day!

Amber Lynae said...

I am going with the 19th. And I love the color of your pedi.

Stephanie said...

March 20th. 1st day of spring. :)

8:36 a.m.

Because I'm psychic.

And you're lovely.

Lifeisapitch said...

March 5, it's my brother's birthday and because I bet you are ready, so I don't want to pick a day TOO far away, that might make you SAD.

That Girl said...

March 10th.

I want your legs.

*MARY* said...

March 22nd. That's my sons birthday, he came 10 days after his due date.

Anna said...

I'll guess March 8th. Early congrats if she comes sooner. :)

Debbie said...

I'm guessing March 8 too because that is my son's birthday:)

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

I'm thinking your ankles look pretty damned good for 37 weeks along. I didn't have ankles by then!
March 5th: my daughter's 19th b-day.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing March 13th at 7:00 PM. ;) You look killer, Melanie!

wendy said...

OK, I pick March 19th, that's my hubby's birthday. GOOD DAY.
you look so cute prego
nice toes
good to pamper yourself

love the name Eden

amber_mtmc said...

Has March 4th been taken yet? No? Then I claim it. (Maybe.) Nothing tied to that date, it just sounds good.

P.S. Your toes are cute. I always go dark when I am about to have a baby. So much less upkeep.

Anonymous said...

March 8th. You look so beautiful! love the pink dress.

Cajoh said...

Love the foot shot. I think they go well with your dress. But if you have those little booties on you won't see your great peddi will you…

I'm game. How about March 17th (You're Irish right…)

Enjoy your delivery date whenever it may be.

Aubrey said...

I have a good feeling about March 15th.


Charlotte said...

My grandmother's first 4 were 2-4 weeks early. #5 was 2 weeks late. So I'll go with March 31st (better to plan on late and not be ANY SECOND for a whole month, right?)

crissy // mama boss said...

Hmm...maybe the 16th or so..? Hope it all goes well :)

Karen M. Peterson said...

March 12.

And that cake is seriously adorable!