Sunday, July 4, 2010

Let freedom ring . . .

You might think you had a great 4th of July. But unless you can top a fifty year old drunk Pakistani man in a full on Elvis jumpsuit doing karaoke for the cul-de-sac against our wishes, I win.

And no, I'm not making that up. Pictures to follow.

P.S. There was also another drunk dude who played MC and he gave a nice sermon comparing Elvis to Lazarus for "those of us who are Christians." It had something to do with rising from the dead. I'm not sure. That's pretty much the point where I went inside.

Happy Independence Day, everyone!


LisAway said...

Another bonus about your move! Now you have something to look forward to every 4th of July!

LisAway said...

And just because we don't talk about it in church doesn't mean we don't all see the parallels between Elvis and Lazarus. Some things are just obvious.

Anonymous said...

You win. LisAway also wins.

Susan said...

Are you worried about your new neighborhood yet?

Amber Lynae said...

Wow that sounds like it tops my 4th.

Can't wait to see the picture.s

Kristina P. said...

The only thing that would make it better would be nudity.

Stephanie said...

You really did find a perfect neighborhood. You only went inside to get your camera, right?

Karen Mello Burton said...

I may be able to top yours... today at the Provo Freedom Festival Parade Moses sang "When You Believe" from the top of the UVU Institute float.

amber_mtmc said...

I think you have coolest neighbors ever. My neighbors only lit off sissy fireworks. Rude. Of course, we do have druggies in the downstairs apartment. Thank goodness they only come alive at times when we are NOT outside.

wendy said...

Now THAT's a July 4th celebration.

Karen M. Peterson said...

It's official. You moved into the coolest neighborhood ever.

And by coolest, I mean nuttiest.

becca said...

Ooooh. I wanna live in YOUR new neighborhood.

Braden Bell said...

Only in America could this happen. It's kind of America's post-modern salute to itself.

Charlotte said...

Your new house comes with crazy neighbors, too? Did you add them as an upgrade or did they come for free? ;-)

DeNae said...

You just described my whole city.