Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maybe . . .

Four people came. Four cool people! (I have a whole post marinating on how I define "cool." Wait for it . . .) To my girls' night. You know, the one where I thought no one would come? But they did and I had fun. Instead of Date Night we watched the documentary Babies which was perfect because it was fun to watch and yet you could talk through the whole thing without annoying anyone.

Also, I'm closing in on a winner of the copy of Mockingjay for donating to Eliza's marathon team which is raising money to fight blood cancers. Click here to donate and you'll be entered to win the book. Actually, if you already have or don't want Mockingjay, I'll pick a different book for you. I'm good at matching books to people. So go on . . . click.

I don't have much more to say because I'm just past the halfway point in Mockingjay and hey, I have my priorities. My children are scavenging in the pantry for shriveled potatoes and grains of uncooked rice, but I'll be done with my book by morning.

However, I wanted to point out this little news article in case you missed it. To sum up: a newly discovered microbe is eating the oil up much faster than expected in the Gulf, helping the dispersal significantly without depriving the area of much oxygen (thus, no dead zones). The microbes are a new strain related to the one that has long lived at the bottom of Gulf that eats the natural oil seepage that occurs on the sea floor. They're related, but they're not the same. It's a never before seen strain.

At first, I was kinda freaked out and I thought, "Oh, no. This is how we ended up with an unchecked rooster problem in Hawaii." My imagination started going wild with creature feature screenplays where the microbes overrun the ocean and suddenly we have much bigger problems than an oil spill.

But I thought about it a little more and I changed my mind. I grew up in Louisiana. Many people in my home stake make their living from industry in the Gulf. I have prayed for them, like many of you have. And I thought, "Maybe Heavenly Father has answered a prayer." And you know what? I think he has. I think maybe this is Him sending the seagulls (microbes) after the crickets (oil). He's pretty great. 

God loves and blesses His children. Those people struggling in the Gulf are His children. And they deserve those blessings. I'd like to believe I guessed right on this. . . 


Unknown said...

Regardless of how this turns out, your trust in the Lord is lovely and an example to all of us.

I think you're pretty awesome.

Susan said...

It's an awesome miracle. Miracles are popping up all over the place right now.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am glad your GNO went well. I like playing hostess, but have had my share of times where people cancel an hour before the event. It is yucky...

Everyone on the internet seems to be raving about Mockingjay... guess I better get with the group and get me a copy.

ps I think your house is beautiful.

ps wv: hicke

LisAway said...

He's awesome. Such cool and creative solutions to big problems.

Lara Neves said...

I heard about that on NPR yesterday and I thought it was an amazing miracle, too. Love your thoughts on that.

And tomorrow. Tomorrow I will go buy Mockingjay. I am tired of reading how great it is everywhere!

Stephanie said...

I just want to say hi, and I'm back (kind of) and I missed you. Wish I could have come to your GNO.

And with no disrespect, I wish God would send microbes to eat up the mess at my house, particularly moving boxes and packing paper.

Becca said...

Yea, yea, yea. I love that. And I thought the same thing. (Not the roosters-in-Hawaii thing. Never that thing.) But that the Lord doesn't have to be done with His creation process.

Also -- hooray for a Girls' Night success.

The Crash Test Dummy said...


Hey, the unchecked rooster problem in Hawaii ended up being awesome for our kids. There's always an upside.

Soooooooo? How do you like Mockinjay? my daughter said I will LOVE it and that it's better than the first two.

I want to start it so bad but I'm trying to buy a house right now.

Reality bites.

Kristina P. said...

Four people is the perfect size for a GNO. That way, you can talk about judging the people who aren't there.

Annette Lyon said...

I need to try to see the seagulls in my own life more. Thanks for this.

Jenny P. said...

I think the blessings are always around us... we just have to recognize them. It hurts to think of how frequently we fail to give credit to a loving, merciful God.. He loves us, He blesses us. He IS awesome.

Migillicutty said...

A microbe that eats oil? Uh-oh! Haven't any of you guys read Uglies? ;)

Mockingjay is fantastic.

Chas Hathaway said...

Well said. I think it's better to acknowledge God's hand and be incorrect than NOT acknowledge it and be incorrect.


Karen M. Peterson said...

Sounds like you had a perfect Girls' Night! Babies is on my Netflix list. I'm saving it for the next time Kristina Pulsipher comes to town.

I heard about those microbes and all I could think was that line from Jurassic Park where Sam Neill says, "Life finds a way." Heavenly Father is certainly taking care of things much more efficiently than anything man can do. It's just too bad there aren't many of us that see it.

charrette said...

I had the same exact thought: Crickets and seagulls.

I too am in the middle of Mockingjay.

And I'm thrilled you had four cool people come over.

Life is good. Blessings are even better.

Braden Bell said...

Love it!!! I hadnt' thought about the gulls and crickets, but that is perfect. Great post!