Thursday, September 16, 2010

It ought to be a crime

My kids are little thieves. To date they have stolen:

My girlish figure
My sleep
My peace of mind
Entire chunks of my budget
My quiet time

And (this is almost unforgivable) sometimes they snitch from my chocolate stash.

I ask you, what do I get in return?



Fair trade.


Anonymous said...

Aww. Perfect way to end that post. And my kids are kleptos too.

Kristina P. said...

I guess I'll have to take imaginary hugs from The Hoff.

Lara Neves said...

:) Those kids, taking all the important things.

But giving back quite a bit. I get more kisses than hugs at my house, though. And I love it.

Carolyn V. said...

This is such a cute post Melanie! And so true. =)

Tracy Loewer said...

Lol. My little sneaks have also begun to steal the pigment from some of my hair. Not a lot, but just enough that I'm starting to notice.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Funny. Yeah, they do steal things, fer sure.

LisAway said...

Love it.

Susan said...

Totally worth the trade.

Stephanie said...


And even though the hugs make for nice bail, I have to admit I'm an advocate of a little jail time. (In my house we call that "go read quietly in your room until mom can function again.")

Becky said...

Yeah, I'd say hugs are a good trade. And an occasional "I love you, Mongie" doesn't hurt either.

Happy Mom said...

THAT made me giggle!! Sooo true!

Karen M. Peterson said...

Hugs are okay and all. But from your chocolate stash?? There's no making up for that.

That Girl said...

hee hee!

This is my favorite kind of post.

Annette Lyon said...

Even when they start stealing stuff like, oh, your SANITY when the hormones kick in, they still pay back with things like, "I love you, Mom," and little acts of surprise service.

Hard to resent the little thieves, isn't it? :)

amber_mtmc said...

Hm. Thieves who give something back. I guess they know how to escape punishment. : )

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

More than fair, and so well said.

* said...

Love this post. I nodded my head the whole way, to reclaim some of that chocolate!

wendy said...

Let's are a mom of young children.......sometimes, you wait a LIFETIME for the rewards
but they come
they do
and they bring great joy

Braden Bell said...

This is the difference between moms and dads. I don't forgive food theft for hugs!

Charlotte said...

I think it is a fair trade, too (at least 75% of the time).