Wednesday, September 8, 2010


You guys . . .

I think TAMN is in my ward. 

And I think she has five-year-old boy she's never told anyone about.

And guys .  . . he's the WORST one in his CTR class.

Oh, my heck.


Kristina P. said...

I think you could probably bribe him with an Anthro gift card.

Karen M. Peterson said...

Maybe that's why she's never mentioned him.

(I sort of feel like that sentence needs an exclamation point. You know, just on principle.)

Stephanie said...

Oh, I'm sorry.

evitafjord said...

I saw her several times at the 24th of July parade/fest we went to in Utah.

Alison Wonderland said...

Don't be silly, TAMN lives in Utah. She'd never make it that long in the mission filled.

Becky said...


Wait, you mean you don't want to be just like TAMN? Shocking.

Braden Bell said...

I am dying to know what string of clues led you to this discovery.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh my.

Sounds...horrific, actually.

So why am I sort of laughing here...

Carolyn V. said...

LOL! All I can do is wish the poor teacher luck. (You don't teach the class do you?) =)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yipes! Climbing the walls?