Friday, November 5, 2010

Why you rock

You guys, I LOVE YOU!

I love that you're still dropping into comment and say hello even though I haven't been able to get around to your blogs nearly as much as usual this week. That's for two reasons: NaNoWriMo and a big talk I had to give on Wednesday that's done now.

But it makes me feel so good that you're not demanding I be 100% reciprocal and that I can have a loony tunes week now and then and you guys will still be my friends. Ahhhh, loooooooove! Yay, you! And you and you and you!

However, I'll have the teensiest bit more time to bounce around your blogs this weekend so I hope to get all caught up on the fabulous, ridiculous, sublime and wacky happenings out there in Blogland. Wheeeee!

Couple of things, everyone. First, if you're doing NaNoWriMo, tell me your screen name and I'll add you as a friend. I gots to create some more accountability for myself. Second, if you want to add me, I'm under Melanie_J. 

Next, my friend Crash is trying to win herself a job as the Good Mood Blogger for Sam-E and she needs votes. I would like for her to win the job because 

1) I like Crash
2) She's got way more sass than the other folks competing

but MOST importantly, I want her to be able to prove to her kids that GOAL-SETTING WORKS! Yay, for teaching kids.

Anyway, you can win cool stuff in the giveaway she's doing if you FOLLOW THIS LINK. And just so you know, when you click to vote for her, you just push one button. You don't have to enter your name or your email or sign up for anything. Nothing. You just click VOTE. So go do it, okay? I'm voting for Crash every day because I'm hoping that it makes up for the fact that for the first time ever, I didn't make it out to vote on Tuesday due to the mortal fear of Grant inadvertently sabotaging all the voting machines while he engaged in a Wild Rumpus.

Next you can win a copy of a cookbook I already own and love, Comfortably Yum, by hopping over to visit Kimberly at Temporary? Insanity.

I know I'm forgetting about some stuff and if I think of it, I'll come back and add it, but for right now, I've got some blog reading to do. Hooray!


Heather Richardson said...

So fun to see what a small world it is - Charrette from Divergent Pathways and I were in our awesome Pasadena ward together, and Luisa was my stake counterpart and support system when I served in the RS presidency in my Manhattan singles ward, and is the friend of many of my friends. This was all before the blog world of course. And now the opposite has happened with you - someone I knew of only through blog reading has turned up in my stake. Someday we may even meet face to face!

I did sign up to win the cookbook through Charrette's blog, it is rather lame that I don't already own a copy.

And now I'm going over to vote for your friend!

Kristina P. said...

I am totally fine with you not commenting!

I have a totally healthy outlet. Umm, what size shoe do you wear? Need to make sure my lifesize voodoo doll is accurate.

Lara Neves said...

Good luck with NaNoWriMo!

Susan said...

Yes, good luck with NaNo. I was tempted, but alas, I like being married and I was afraid I wouldn't be if I engaged in such tomfoolery. Or so my husband would call it. He's a balance kind of guy. Maybe he'll be able to stand it next year.

LisAway said...

And YOU rock because I would read you even if you never commented on my blog.


And have you made the peanut butter chocolate chip scones yet? (very first recipe in the book). Mmmmmmm! (but I add extra sugar because I need it).

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Thanks for the linky love for Luisa!

And I'm glad you've got that warm glowy feeling of people coming round even when you're swamped. What a great way to feel loved. =)

Melinda said...

Have to go check out the links, maybe this time I WILL win something?! Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Vote and voted! =D

Glad you're rockin' the Nano! Way to go, Melanie. I admit, I'm a little behind in the races but that's cool with me because technically, I'm revising for nano so, yeah, not as much wordage needed. Still, I'm plugging away! Way to go, Melanie!

Karen M. Peterson said...

Now let me tell you why YOU rock. You blog when you feel like it and hearing from you always means a little more cuz we know you really mean it. :-)

Carolyn V. said...

I'm (sadly) not doing Nano this year, because of the homework I have piled on my desk. But next year! yes..

Charlotte said...

Good luck with the Nanomo (is that the right string of letters?)