Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Get New Shoes

Yesterday, I went to the mall. I was looking for stuff. Christmas-y type stuff. And I found . . .


A store full of them, the cutest, wiggliest, lickingest, most delicious puppies ever. Two dozen of them at least.

I called my husband. "Guess where I am."

"Uh, I give up."

"The mall!"

"Oh, good." (I'm not sure, but he didn't seem thrilled.)

"Guess what store I"m at."

"Uh . . ."

"The puppy store!"

Silence. Then he clears his throat. "Melanie, back away from the puppy store."

"But they're so cute! There's a Yorkie! And a BEAGLE! Do you hear me? A beagle puppy."

"Melanie, seriously, you need to back away. That mall has a Nordstrom, right?"


"Why don't you go get yourself some shoes and forget about the puppies, okay?"



Chantele Sedgwick said...

My husband would totally say the same thing! He is NOT a fan of pets. I'll get to him someday though... :)

Kristina P. said...

In my house, this conversation would have been reversed. You would be my husband, and vice versa.

Melinda said...

Man, I wish we had a puppy store at our mall!!!

Stephanie said...


Karen M. Peterson said...

I think I just fell in love with your husband.

Christiane R. Woerner said...
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Christiane R. Woerner said...

I'd forget the shoes and still get the puppy. Then again, I'm anti-puppy. Yes, you read that correctly -- anti-puppy. I'm all for the slightly older, more seasoned rescue dog. Puppies chew everything (including those new shoes you just bought) and can't be left alone. I'm not sure if you're in the market for a beagle, but there's a great rescue in the area called Beagles and Buddies. Your heart will melt and you might get more shoes out of visiting the rescue.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Nothing like the joy of accidental genius! Well done!

Wonder Woman said...

OOOHHHHHHHH that this conversation had happened at my house..........

Andrew & Sarah Clawson said...

Loved this post! No one can keep me away from touching and petting cute little puppies, I found out the hard way that the hub doesn't like them! :-) Maybe someday he'll warm up to the idea of having one!

Chris said...

My husband is letting me pick out a cat at the shelter for Christmas. I think it's the best gift ever!!!

Word verification: catti (chuckling)

wendy said...

Ha ha, that was great.
Now Mel...............was that a PLOY or were you on the verge of getting a puppy???

Susan said...

I love it. What kind of shoes did you get?

Paily said...

I SO have to try this! Thanks for the tip! He he!

Unknown said...

My husband and I both laughed out loud at this one. A perfect telling of a great story. Well done, my friend! (And post pix of those shoes, girlfriend!)

amber_mtmc said...

Um, I am so glad neither husband nor I want animals. This conversation would not happen at our place.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I think a great pair of shoes can give puppies a run for their money any day.

Tracy Loewer said...

That is a fabulous tactic!

Lara Neves said...

My friend just got a beagle puppy as an early Christmas for her kids. I am insanely jealous and I really really want that puppy. Or one just like it. But my husband is not on board. And he didn't even say I could buy shoes instead! That would have been okay.

Your husband DOES rock. :)

Dedee said...

I'm with Kristina. The conversation would have been reversed in our house.

I hope you got super cute shoes out of it. :)