Saturday, February 5, 2011

I am rolling my eyes at you.

I guess there are only two of us in the whole wide world who take kid pee into consideration when dressing. (I refer to yesterday, of course. I am Queen of the Non-sequitur but that would otherwise be a bit much even for me.)

Fine. You are all parents of remarkably well-trained children.

And GO HERE for to witness the greatness that is a brand new blog and win a really stinking cute necklace made from recycled sweaters. It's hard to explain. Just go. Go now!


Melinda said...

The link didn't work?! I am confused about the whole necklace/sweater thing and need to see it, fix the linky pleasey! :)

Hey word verification is "nosilif", I read it like nose lift. Heh.

Becca said...

Oh, such cuteness. Love.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I don't think the pee issue is ever really gone as long as you live with guys. Sad, but true.

Sarah M Eden said...

My kids are old enough now (hallelujah) that pee isn't as much of an issue as it once was. I do have one child, however, who gets the most ridiculously enormous bloody noses, with no warning and with the alarming tendency to bleed all over everything and everyone within a somewhat reasonable distance. So, I do take that into consideration if he's been having bloody noses lately. I ask myself "Is this something I can get massive amounts of blood out of?" So, yeah. Feeling ya.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

Ditto what Kazzy said. I'm always smelling urine.

Anonymous said...

We have only boys. Thus, there's never a dry seat in the house. *sigh*

Off to see the new blog!

amber_mtmc said...

Emily is potty training. Enough said.