Thursday, February 24, 2011

White trash is a matter of perspective.

You know what makes America great?


You know who is a fantastic innovator?

My husband.

Behold: He is in charge. It is bath time and then bed time for the kids. But they really want Gogurt. But they really need a bath.

And then . . . an idea is born . . .

And that is how my kids ended up eating three Gogurts each in the bathtub last night. Because as Kenny explained, "It was easy clean up."

17 comments: said...

I think I'd do the same.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

We do the same thing with popsicles.

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Awesome. That is a great idea! :)

wendy said...

Yes, he is brilliant!! I eat chocolate in the bath tub, but that is because I am hiding.

DeNae said...

No kidding? You're how many years into this parenting thing and you've only NOW discovered feeding your kids in the bsthtub?

If I could have, I'da served meals, hosted play dates, done arts and crafts, and weathered full weeks of coughs and colds without ever once removing my kids from the tub.

Kristina P. said...

Maybe they can install a garbage disposal, a la Kramer.

Susan said...

I love feeding my kids in the tub, especially those chocolate no bake cookies. Because then when they drop them in, and husband comes home, he freaks out and thinks they pooped in the water. HA!

Barbaloot said...

I thought the same thing as your husband before I even got to the last sentence:) Although, I can't imagine how gross the bathwater looked...

LisAway said...

White trash. There's a bit of it in all of us. (but just the smart parts are in some of us)

Kenny, the husband said...

OK. So in response:
1) I'm a computer programmer. My job is looking for inefficiencies in a system and rectifying them. Dinner time - too long, Bath time - too long...not any more!
2) I knew I couldn't be the first, so thank you everyone for helping me feel not so alone.
3) Yogurt does cloud the water a bit, but honestly the thought occurred to me "people take baths in mud, and Epsom salts, and seaweed (I think), so yogurt just seems like one of them fancy spa treatments".
4) This is the yogurt stick yogurt and boy is it messy, but boy do my children love it. In the end it was really about them.
5) I want my children to develop good hygiene habits and so associating a bath with something yummy can only help (I hope).

and 6).....


Seriously, that's the "word verification" as I post this. What on earth is a "butboar"?!?! I just know I don't want to meet one in a forest somewhere. That's for sure.

Debbie said...

Like Kristina, my mind immediately went to Kramer. He was ahead of his time:)

Carolyn V said...

LOL! He is a wise man.

Karen M. Peterson said...

It really is all about efficiency. I will now be taking my cereal in the shower in the morning.

Stephanie Black said...

Your husband is a genius!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Very smart. :)

Dedee said...

lol! I'm so impressed! And Kenny's response was awesome!

Becca said...

I used to give my girls haircuts in the tub. Back when their hair was think and kidlike... not so much anymore because ug, the Draino...