Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I started a political debate on my Facebook status update and I totally shouldn't have. I still don't regret the original statement but I got a little big for my britches in the comment trail. Note to self: the original impulse that something is a bad idea is usually the right one.

I was going to get my feelings hurt because I'm pretty sure I'm about to be left out of a carpool because I'm the new girl. I was going to. But then I came home and I played with my little girl and she WANTS to be with me all the time and I am never the new girl to her and it made me happy so I decided not to have hurt feelings. Also, The New Girl on Fox is my favorite new show of the season so far.

My little book finally cracked the Deseret Book top ten list in romance. I rejoiced. And I didn't take an extra piece of chocolate to celebrate. That made me rejoice again. Because I know I'm going to take these last ten pounds off one good decision at a time. We all know BMI kinda doesn't mean much, but I'm finally .04 pounds back INSIDE the normal weight range. Yeehaw.

My sister sent me the booksigning pics from her camera.(Uh, no one better ask me if I'm pregnant. That's a food baby. The last ten pounds I'm trying to lose is all in my stomach. There. Now I've saved us both from embarrassment. Got it? DON'T ASK.) 

Do you recognize this lady on the right?

IT'S SUE! Aaaaaaahhh! She looks amazing, right? I KNOW!

And in one of those weird confluences that happens sometimes, this picture below is our now-mutual friend Cristina. I grew up with her in Louisiana and they ended up in the same ward together in Utah. It's a Small World After All. (You're welcome for the ear worm.)

I would like to point out that I'm a very amazing friend for posting all these pictures where I don't look nearly as photogenic as usual. I'm picking the ones where my friends look the nicest. Proof that I don't usually look pale and bloaty:
Oh, of course the uploader quits working now.
You'll just have to believe me.

And this is my very own little table poster they made at Barnes and Noble. For me! Another fun milestone. 

And here's my faux in-laws who came to support/heckle me. Three guesses who the heckler was. 

And just in case there's anyone who still hasn't rushed right out to get my book and sleep with it under their pillow, you can win it at Donna's blog today. So easy! Click on over and check it out. Donna is a fun, spunky lady I met at LDS Storymakers when she turned up in my boot camp. We had a fun day together talking writing and whatnot. Cabbages and kings, maybe. So comment on there for the book!

But that's not all. Remember how I said that this book is a lot about gratitude? Stay tuned this week for a chance to win the really cool "Grateful Heart" necklace from my husband.



LisAway said...

I quite enjoyed the discussion on facebook, actually. All interesting comments.

And you're lucky I've met you in person or I'd for sure take your lack of evidence to the contrary as proof that you are naturally pale and bloaty. (just kidding. You don't look bad but, as a person who also doesn't like posting pictures that I don't think I look okay in (although I'm not very photogenic in general, I don't think) I know what you mean).

TheOneTrueSue said...

It was so good to see you there and you do NOT look pregnant my friend, in any way shape or form. It was just a weird camera angle. It wasn't doing my stomach any favors either, although I think that was less camera angle and more - er - reality.

It IS a small world. I adore Cristina. She's good people.

I thought you were quite measured on Facebook. And right.

Donna K. Weaver said...

lol What's a "faux in law"?

More great pics! I love Paintshop Pro. There's a wonderful little thing call Warp that lets you tweak you pictures a bit. ;)

Stephanie Black said...

Thanks for the pics! Congrats on the DB top ten list!

And regarding stomachs, I've had multiple experiences where people have asked me if I'm pregnant . . . when I'm not. Sigh . . . I even got the question back when I was a lot skinnier.

lesa said...

Congrats on all the good things!

Kristina P. said...

I can put Sue in my pocket. Like the tiny small one that's inside the ones in the front of your jeans. She looks great. As do you. Not pregnant.

Barbaloot said...

Since I was lucky enough to meet you, I know that not only are you NOT pale and bloaty, but that table poster looked even better in real life:)

Small Town Shelly Brown said...

I'm your 200th follower *happy dance*
I need to get my hands on one of your books. It looks FABULOUS!
Glad to be following.

NIKOL said...

I just sent you a Facebook Friend request because I'm nosy and want to see this political dramarama. Also, I like you.

While I'm all for getting free stuff, I am clearly not winning these giveaways and therefore I am off to Amazon to order your book right now.

NIKOL said...

...or maybe I'll just go to Deseret Book on my lunchbreak. I'm all about instant gratification.

Unknown said...

It was fun to visit with Sue, who does, indeed, look amazing. And now I have to pop over to Facebook and stir the pot. Yep. That's me. The giver.

Cristina said...

It was great to see you and Sue. I am in the middle of your new book and I am LOVING it. Sue does look great and you didn't look too bad yourself.

Vivian said...

I recognize all those ladies!! :) Whey didn't I think about sending you our picture? OK I'm sending it...we are both striking a pose...maybe we were in model mode that night :)

Heather Moore said...

Love your book, but you already know that. It was great to visit with you in Utah and get to know you better!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I have my moments where I seem to WANT to get my feelings hurt. Ugh, such a martyr!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Your post made me laugh! I love that you used the best pictures of your friends and not yourself. And my daughter just asked me if I was pregnant this past week. I'm not. Congrats on your book!

Carolyn V said...

Aw, you look cute! And not pregnant in the slightest. (My youngest went around our ward asking people if they were having babies. It was a little mortifying, especially when he asked one of the members of the Elder's quorum!)

Congrats on the book!

Karen M. Peterson said...

This is one of the things that sucks about the new Facebook changes. I miss out on all the good arguments!

I'm finally buying your book this weekend. Can't wait!

Maggie said...

Now you've got me interested in the facebook debate. Hmmm.

Unknown said...

Don't know how I missed that FB discussion. I'm guessing I would have been on your side. Also, I keep meaning to tell you to watch the New Girl. I was even going to text a message to you while you away saying just that. Glad you figured it out without me.

melissabastow said...

I was going to come see you at the booksigning, but then I thought, "What if someone has a camera and a picture of me is leaked onto the internet and I look all pale and bloaty?!" So then I had to stay home and hide. But I THOUGHT about your booksigning and then bought the digital copy of Not My Type for my kindle app, so maybe you can sign that someday (my kids keep interrupting my reaing time, but did you know that I totally live right by the fictitious Real Salt Lake magazine office?!!!! Seriously. Like a few streets away. AMAZING, RIGHT?)

Enjoy Birth said...

I finished your book and LOVED it! :) 5 stars. Carpool problems - not the one caused by me I hope.

wendy said...

well, I think you look great.
Hey, I have been trying to loose my baby weight for 27 years old now (that's how old my BABY will be this month)

Man, you are brave, I would never be able to start a political, or religious, or any kind of "heated" topic debate on facebook
I am way to thin skinned for that sort of thing.
Awesome about your book and how fun to be involved in a book signing.