Monday, January 2, 2012

I love you THIS MUCH.

You know what's a big number?


That's as big as it gets. Ask my four-year-old. He'll tell you. "What's the biggest number?"

"Eleven hundred seventy three seven twenty one hundred brachiosaurus forty thousand two one."

It's huge. A HUGE number. Because brachiosaurus is the biggest dinosaur so it must also be the biggest number.

If Grant runs super fast to the car, he'll tell you. "I ran a million brachiosaurus fast!"

And if you're his favorite, which four of us in this house are tied for first place to be, he'll tell you how much he loves you, too. "I love you brachiosaurus."

Which is how much I love him.


LisAway said...

Oh my goodness. How could you help it? Even if another thing he likes to say is, "It was an accident!"

He's very, very cute.

Aaron just measures everything that's a lot by saying, "As much as Max is far away" Because he knows that his friend Max who moved back to the states in April lives VERY far away, and nothing feels greater than the distance between them now.

Becca said...

I'm so glad you're writing this stuff down. That - the cute, hilarious things the kids say - is one BRACHIOSAURUS thing I miss now that my kids are older. They're still hilarious, just more snark and less cuteness.

(Okay, snark is cute. But you know what I mean...)

Leigh Covington said...

LOL! Oh my goodness, that is too cute! Love it!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

That is beyond adorable! Love!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Awww . . . the world according to little children. And the joy we get when we're a part of them.

wendy said...

best number EVER.
I have been Looking for a number, that reaches FURTHER then infinity and beyond.
smart kid.
and who doesn't want to be loved THAT MUCH

Theresa Milstein said...

That's too sweet! Since number go on forever, every word has to be part of a number group. I've never heard of brachiosaurus (I only know up to trillion), so it must be really, really high.

Stephanie said...

You know what? That's just awesome. Sometimes kids just know how to measure stuff right.

lesa said...

very cute!

Karen M. Peterson said...

Oh my gosh, that is so adorable! I don't know how you don't die from the cuteness.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Little boys and their Dino-love!

Unknown said...

Even though I'm an old "phogi" (my word verification word) I found this adorable. No wonder we loved Dr. Seuss as kids; he talked just like us.