Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bite me, animals. Just bite me.

Sometimes I just get mad. Here is something that makes me mad. (If you follow me on Twitter, this won't be a surprise to you.) Okay, ready? Here it is:

Also these:
And sometimes even these: 

Because I don't know how to make their sounds when I'm reading bed time stories, and this is very upsetting to me.

*I just realized I don't have a giveaway going right now. I should probably do something to make you jump through hoops and whatnot. Uh . . . okay, here we go: One entry if you comment about anything. Five bonus entries if you stick my shiny new Twitterpated button up (see it over there in the sidebar?) and then let me know you did it. Mucho gracias. (Why, no. I didn't take Spanish in high school. Why do you ask?)


Rebecca Belliston said...

:) Camels spit--my kids love that one. As for the others, I'm no help. :)

Kristina P. said...

I downloaded an animal sound app for our Primary lesson last week. Sadly, they had none of these, either. They did have penguins, which I thought was odd.

Melinda said...

Rabbits we make our noses twitch. Camels spit like Rebecca said. Turtles...uhhh...turtles...I got nothin'.

I want your book bad. I'm putting your button on my blog!

{autie} said...

Rebecca is kids love the camels...pretend to hock one and make a spitting noise! For turtles, we sing that really slow walking song for a few notes...doh, dee doh, dee doh dillee know?
i don't know for bunny...maybe just sniff a bunch and wiggle your nose!

Karen M. Peterson said...

Yeah, I have no idea. Rabbits have always stumped me too.

Susan said...

I can tell you that rabbits make the most horrible squealing sound when they're dying. You should google it. Totally inhumane and hysterical.

Kenny, the husband said...

When my beautiful wife, Melanie, asks me where we should eat for dinner, sometimes I think she has something in mind already and hopes I want the same, other times she really does not care and just wants me to make a decision.

I assume this is one of those cases where she just wants a decision.

So here it goes, my completely arbitrary list of animal sounds:

The rabbit goes snuffle-snuffle.

The camel goes ar-rar.

And the turtle goes sss-pop!

Yerrrr welcome!

Donna K. Weaver said...

lol. Good point about the animal sounds. I hadn't really thought about it.

I tried to put your little picture thingy on my blog, but the picture's not showing up. The link works just fine though.

Becca said...

Bunny: Nose wiggle.
Camel: Spit.
Turtle: Neck stretch, with groaning noise, not very loud.

This is where I come from: Seventeen years of parenting, baby.

You're welcome.

Andrea said...

If you imitate a camels' sound you'll probably scare your kids (

That same site has a sound byte for a tortoise-apparently they hiss.

No wonder the sounds these guys make are not common knowledge.

I added your button to my blog. Contest or no contest, I'm looking forward to getting a copy of it as soon as my "required" reading is finished! Whitney's are finally finished, so now I can focus on a couple of book club books and an assignment from my dad. ;)

LisAway said...

Don't be a hater.

KaseyQ said...

Comment! I'd love to win your book. :-)

Paily said...

I have the same problem! We have a book that has turtles, camels, bunnies, giraffes, and butterflies all on the same page. It's no good!

The Lovely One said...

I love that your husband commented!

Rabbits have a squeaky, high pitched voice.

Turtles have slow, deep voices: dum de dum...

Camels... not sure about camels! We've never had a conversation!

Alyson said...

the bunny makes a gentle snuffing sound which works especially well if you scrunch your face up like a bunny. As for the other ones I usually ask the kids what they think the animal sounds like and let their imagination figure out what it should sound like right then. I would love to win your book!

Sondra said...

I am giving up my copy of The List to my son - he is using as part of a "Prom" invitation. I must purchase a new one - because I absolutely LOVED it! I would love to win any book you have written! I want your books on my book shelf!

Meradeth Houston said...

lol, I:m sitting here trying to think of the sound a turtle makes :) Rabbits hop, though, and I remember my mom using that to make sounds for them!

Melissa said...

What about giraffes? They don't have vocal chords. It doesn't work well for when I do speech therapy with my daughter.
And zebras. Do they make horse sounds? I've never actually heard a zebra say anything.

mbamster0720 at gmail dot com

Melody said...

I'd love to win your book! And I agree with you...I even don't like elephants because I can't imitate them even though I know there is a sound for them.

Anonymous said...

I love your book's cover ^_^
I put the cover on my blog too :)

Meagen said...

Love, love, Love your books. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to do after the kids bedtime besides chores!