Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happiest place on earth

I'm not being metaphorical with that title. I don't really mean my house. I'm talking actual Disneyland today. 

Anyway, we went on Tuesday. And it leads me to a question:

Imagine you're hired to work a job in the park. But it can be ANY job IN the park. What do you pick? And yes, there is ONE right answer. I'm just going to see how many of you get it. Go ahead, name it in the comment trail and defend your choice.


TheOneTrueSue said...

Grand Master Overseer of all the Things. Clearly.

Susan said...

Ride tester!

Erin said...

It must involve free food. And air conditioning.

Kristina P. said...

A churro.

KaseyQ said...

Either Mickey Mouse or a princess...okay, I want to be a princess. Just the look on the little girls' faces seeing a REAL LIFE princess would be so worth it. ;-)

KaseyQ said...

Oh, and the dress would totally rock too.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Who says there's only one right choice?

A guy at work talked about an experience he had there once. They were by the Cinderella castle, and this little kid was just screaming at the top of his lungs. His poor, frazzled father couldn't get the kid to tell him what the problem was. Finally, the father cried, "What's wrong with you? Isn't this the happiest d**n place on

Donna K. Weaver said...



Gina said...

I always wanted to be one of the face characters. I wanted to be Alice, until I grew boobs, and realized that wouldn't work. Then I aspired to be Aurora, until I realized that it didn't matter what color my hair was, everyone wore a wig.

At 17, though, I just wanted to work there, doing anything. It is one of two big regrets in my life that I never did.

So to me, anything in the Magic Kingdom is the right answer. Anything. Because none of it feels quite like work when you are part of the magic.

Sarah said...

Oh, I'd be a ride tester, definitely. Back up option: Princess... because I LOVE the girl's faces when they see a real princess. :)

Becca said...


The Lovely One said...

Oh, so many cool jobs! I always wanted to be a princess, but I know that's not the answer. I don't want to be the ride tester, either. I think I would like some behind the scenes coordinator, like maybe the parade choreographer!

Anonymous said...

My hubby says he'd been an engineer for robotics (and he'd cause mass night attacks on helpless children).

Me? I'm thinking I'd be in charge of the horses that pull the trolley. Last time I was there, I spent a lot of time talking to the dude there and he told me the horses have AT MOST a 2 hour shift, alternating days, and a stable full of stand-ins so no one gets too tired. He said they have the best job in the world and they're totally pampered. So yeah, I'd totally hang out with the horses.