Friday, May 11, 2012

I do this because I'm lazy...

I'm blogging twice in one week. I don't even know who I am anymore.

Oh, wait. Yes, I do: the woman procrastinating a manuscript deadline by blogging. So . . . pretty much the same girl I always was.

But here's why I'm blogging. Today my critique partners were over and I needed to deal with my mostly dry hair while I listened to one of them read. And they were kind of fascinated by my solution. As was I when I learned this solution two weeks ago.

So I'm going to share in the spirit of procrastination being helpful. And since this is a totally spontaneous blog post, I don't have any makeup on in these pictures, so you can judge, but when you judge someone trying to do you a favor, you earn a very special place south of the Heavenly Border.

Anyway . . . headband curls. I stuck my hair in a headband like this. It takes 3 minutes even for the hairstyling-impaired like me:

You just take a section of hair and tuck it up over the hairband. Then you take another one and it add it and keep going. It looks like this from the sides:
And then I left them in for a while. Even ran into the park and received a few admiring and few more puzzled looks. And then I just gently unwound them from the head band and it does this:
And then I just finger brush them, hairspray them, and go.

And for an added bonus, here's YouTube tutorial where a girl with a Russian accent explains it all to you:


Kristina P. said...

I saw that tutorial, and it seemed like a lot of work!! I am even lazier than this.

Karen Mello Burton said...

So cute! If I had long hair I wold surely try it.

Susan said...

Makes me sad I cut mine. But it's growing back. I'll definitely try this on my daughter. Very cool.

Gina said...

This kind of stuff NEVER works in my hair.

The sock bun? It's supposed to create gorgeous curls. On me? It creates a couple of big, clunky creases.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Clever! And now I just need to grow my hair again. I might be able to try this in a couple of years. lol

wendy said...

I TOTALLY don't want to be found on the south side of heaven....I have pretty much veered off in that direction well enough on my own......trying to head a different direction.
you are a freaking genius
I bow to you
that should earn me a few points..right???

and when you get older like me and live in the country, you rarely wear makeup...and NO bra. very liberating

Unknown said...

You really are such a giver. And your hair is gorgeous. Now get back to work, Missy!!