Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lessons from public restrooms, #2

Lesson #2
No matter how tempting the acoustics are in a tiled public restroom, and no matter how convinced you are that you are all alone, this is NOT the time or place to bust out your Mariah Carey impersonation. People will hear you and they will wait for you to come out and then they will applaud. But it won't be the kind of applause that makes you feel good.

So don't do it. Just saying.

Lesson #1
The people whose numbers are written on the walls of the stall? Usually don't want to be called no matter how bored you are.


Luisa Perkins said...

Wait--when I got that applause, I did feel good. Hmmmm.

Jami said...

Ah yes. The don't sing in a public echo chamber rule. Know it well. Learned it the hard way.

Janette Rallison said...

Are you sure? I thought that's how all the really cool American Idols started out . . .

Cajoh said...

OK— I admit I don't sing in a public bathroom, but I do find the sympathetic pitch when I'm in the tub.

Try it sometime… sit in the bathroom, then pick a very high pitch and slowly go down in pitch until your head rings. When that happens you have found the sympathetic pitch of the room.

Kristina P. said...

What about my Kenny G impersonation? Think that would still be OK?

Anonymous said...

Wow, we're learning so much about you. :)

My brother was in a 5-man singing group in high school and they liked to practice in men's bathrooms for the acoustics. I think my sister and I even followed them in there to listen once or twice. (That sounds so naughty. But it was very innocent, I promise.)

Becky said...

Good thing I don't know the lyrics to many Mariah Carey songs. That makes it less of a temptation.

Alyson | New England Living said...

Thank you for sharing all your hard learned knowledge. And you've made us laugh!

Alison Wonderland said...

I've never considered singing in a public restroom. But now I kind of want to. How sad is that?

Annette Lyon said...

I'm thinking that as funny as these lessons are, the stories behind them have got to be hysterical.

Debbie said...

Now I can abide my #1 but you cannot make me not break out the singing in there.

Julie Wright said...

Another good lesson for public bathrooms, check the little shadow image on the door. If it doesn't look like it's wearing a dress, but you sometimes do wear dresses, You might want to pick the other door.

Stephanie said...

Wow, Mariah Carey, huh? You're a gutsy little thing. (and p.s. I really loved your comment on my blog today; I think you nailed the first priority.)

Anonymous said...

Okay, but we once held ward choir practice in the baptismal font area (NOT the actual font...we have SOME scruples) and the acoustics were AMAZING! Suddenly we ALL sounded like Mariah Carey. (But -alas- there was no one waiting outside to applaud.)

Heather of the EO said...

I'm just catching up on these two bathroom posts and I'm so relieved to have this advice because I was just about to go out in public. And what if I have to go? And what if I were to sing or call someone?

Thank goodness I checked in on you before going. Literally.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hee hee hee...

Oh it is so true, misery totally loves company. Loving this series.

Karen Mello Burton said...

But the acoustics are sooo inviting! Actually I get embarrassed enough when I realize I have blown my nose when someone was hiding out in a stall...

My Diary said...

I liked the applause and boy did I sound great with the acoustics in there. I even hit some great high notes, it helps to have your stomach flexed.