Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Momentary interruption!

Hey! I finally made it in as one of the first three commenters on one of those homemade giveaway blogs! over at Kateastrophe's place. Yay!

So look tomorrow for a giveaway. I was going to do one anyway, but now I'm going to add the homemade thing on top of it. Yay, yay, yay!


Anonymous said...

I'm safe commenting and I don't have to pay anything forward, right? 'Cause basically I'm not likely to remember much of anything over the course of the next few months.


Sara@iSass said...

Hey, thanks to you I was commentor number 3. Cool beans.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Way to go, M. Isn't it nerdy to feel so cool when you are a first to comment on a new post? LOL

Heidi said...

One more blog goal I have yet to achieve (or even know about) (until now). sigh

Alison Wonderland said...